'phar:///opt/jenkins/jobs/VuFindHarvest/workspace/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/phpstan.phar/vendor/ondrejmirtes/better-reflection/src/SourceLocator/SourceStubber/../../../../../jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs/Core/Core_c.stub-1619532793', 'data' => array ( 'e1355ee07d4c0287ff25a8be786bc335' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Created by typecasting to object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/reserved.classes.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'stdClass', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '26b3642513377bdf1281315acb1374ae' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/iterable */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'iterable', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '2cf824655c7c7a579616ab28e62861bd' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Interface to detect if a class is traversable using foreach. * Abstract base interface that cannot be implemented alone. * Instead it must be implemented by either {@see IteratorAggregate} or {@see Iterator}. * * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.traversable.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Traversable', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '2314aa898e143deb4013de67bac837d5' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Interface to create an external Iterator. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.iteratoraggregate.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'IteratorAggregate', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'cbd8dac196301bab22991775e13df444' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Retrieve an external iterator * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iteratoraggregate.getiterator.php * @return Traversable An instance of an object implementing Iterator or * Traversable * @throws Exception on failure. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'IteratorAggregate', 'functionName' => 'getIterator', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'b714d9498d33ec66f1913871de7be090' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Interface for external iterators or objects that can be iterated * themselves internally. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.iterator.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Iterator', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f868e8596c55baf4b3a87b9e09bc159c' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Return the current element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @return mixed Can return any type. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Iterator', 'functionName' => 'current', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'e66f225e6d97f9a7f83168f98b3eaeed' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Move forward to next element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.next.php * @return void Any returned value is ignored. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Iterator', 'functionName' => 'next', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '9b6099e5e7402a5a8bf5855798c67ccf' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Return the key of the current element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.key.php * @return string|float|int|bool|null scalar on success, or null on failure. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Iterator', 'functionName' => 'key', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '62ae9b3793ff598231217800a73ac7b4' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Checks if current position is valid * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.valid.php * @return bool The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated. * Returns true on success or false on failure. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Iterator', 'functionName' => 'valid', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'aa0f1586267dd9e67fbc94acc080d8dc' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php * @return void Any returned value is ignored. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Iterator', 'functionName' => 'rewind', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '6549048d5c29a4ba5f6855476fe5163e' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Interface to provide accessing objects as arrays. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.arrayaccess.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArrayAccess', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'fd51a829b13349ad3a1b3a690db62e94' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Whether a offset exists * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetexists.php * @param mixed $offset

* An offset to check for. *

* @return bool true on success or false on failure. *


* The return value will be casted to boolean if non-boolean was returned. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArrayAccess', 'functionName' => 'offsetExists', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '26610c289545ed332c2e4840d5d604a6' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Offset to retrieve * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetget.php * @param mixed $offset

* The offset to retrieve. *

* @return mixed Can return all value types. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArrayAccess', 'functionName' => 'offsetGet', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '32ac5914229f06442beba7eeb990af8f' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Offset to set * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetset.php * @param mixed $offset

* The offset to assign the value to. *

* @param mixed $value

* The value to set. *

* @return void */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArrayAccess', 'functionName' => 'offsetSet', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'eeb7d6301b4d749980d50199edc36499' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Offset to unset * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetunset.php * @param mixed $offset

* The offset to unset. *

* @return void */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArrayAccess', 'functionName' => 'offsetUnset', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'e03d006c7c4e5e409b6da66041886620' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Interface for customized serializing. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.serializable.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Serializable', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '2e03bf0b2bcc2f9f9b486f600fe353ba' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * String representation of object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/serializable.serialize.php * @return string|null The string representation of the object or null * @throws Exception Returning other type than string or null */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Serializable', 'functionName' => 'serialize', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'df07fadfe1bd276314916f00120b4e89' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Constructs the object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/serializable.unserialize.php * @param string $data The string representation of the object. * @return void */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Serializable', 'functionName' => 'unserialize', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f82e96121e8b55e3df298c5115f21a52' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Throwable is the base interface for any object that can be thrown via a throw statement in PHP 7, * including Error and Exception. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.throwable.php * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '8650975d68814009a2f08857bdd8e061' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the message * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getmessage.php * @return string * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getMessage', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '19e74186fa410cb2fe389ed371748bec' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the exception code * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getcode.php * @return int

* Returns the exception code as integer in * {@see Exception} but possibly as other type in * {@see Exception} descendants (for example as * string in {@see PDOException}). *

* @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getCode', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'e927137c568ac832dcdb5e78d7c28248' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the file in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getfile.php * @return string Returns the name of the file from which the object was thrown. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getFile', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'c1e55b33c7ba136788f1d99c19fcca1c' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the line on which the object was instantiated * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getline.php * @return int Returns the line number where the thrown object was instantiated. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getLine', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'dd844293bedab6a057016032248dae9f' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the stack trace * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettrace.php * @return array

* Returns the stack trace as an array in the same format as * {@see debug_backtrace()}. *

* @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getTrace', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '7c628be0390e022c1127f940502028c8' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the stack trace as a string * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettraceasstring.php * @return string Returns the stack trace as a string. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getTraceAsString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'cd201835f3d654b70461e72dca2c74c3' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns the previous Throwable * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getprevious.php * @return Throwable Returns the previous {@see Throwable} if available, or NULL otherwise. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => 'getPrevious', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'a271702835a5df68e49d13e4e585feb8' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets a string representation of the thrown object * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.tostring.php * @return string

Returns the string representation of the thrown object.

* @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Throwable', 'functionName' => '__toString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '40013d3495375df4d89ebf65f21291a6' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Exception is the base class for * all Exceptions. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.exception.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '6bbdead98f419b9047d6693c84fbfe77' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The error message */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '1d3e8d44dd5f7d1e4bd39ab7424283aa' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The error code */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'a8382bd75b1ad7b7f21faf05fcbf7536' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The filename where the error happened */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '85639513285bb7b5314b82b4f177d8b0' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The line where the error happened */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'c712ab1f9e3c2fd2b9451b97ab289316' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Clone the exception * Tries to clone the Exception, which results in Fatal error. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.clone.php * @return void */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => '__clone', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '44198814ed2e0f515be7e6a0fd2c28b8' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Construct the exception. Note: The message is NOT binary safe. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.construct.php * @param string $message [optional] The Exception message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Exception code. * @param null|Throwable $previous [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'fef3b8884a397bb919c5354f91c476c9' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the Exception message * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getmessage.php * @return string the Exception message as a string. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getMessage', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '8276cf287a938517fa53bfdab7afc6c6' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the Exception code * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getcode.php * @return mixed|int the exception code as integer in * Exception but possibly as other type in * Exception descendants (for example as * string in PDOException). */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getCode', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '632bede3d6365ddb6444fe2c47fcd766' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the file in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getfile.php * @return string the filename in which the exception was created. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getFile', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '1baddc718e9dcdc622477df3fdee42b9' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the line in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getline.php * @return int the line number where the exception was created. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getLine', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'a9d557928c6a3685099a632407f45f52' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the stack trace * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.gettrace.php * @return array the Exception stack trace as an array. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getTrace', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'a9b7bb2d4cb3d47ca5e9df5618dd7a9d' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns previous Exception * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getprevious.php * @return Exception the previous Exception if available * or null otherwise. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getPrevious', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '35e38c179bb3e625c3e28a0237434455' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the stack trace as a string * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.gettraceasstring.php * @return string the Exception stack trace as a string. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => 'getTraceAsString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '4d55df39e10e7c39f67a3b594d13a5ec' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * String representation of the exception * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.tostring.php * @return string the string representation of the exception. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Exception', 'functionName' => '__toString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'fd6f75e10b4414074819e46606cda996' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Error is the base class for all internal PHP error exceptions. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.error.php * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '8e25b672f2b2e1d0657996da976efa2a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The error message */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '64a5bb2e79c10812496ee2380228682d' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The error code */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '48f25bc380105a9926b0ff76b018fcd1' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The filename where the error happened */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f9b5bc7e5552f07848b3d988ad10504b' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** The line where the error happened */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '3bf4016fff99f9d6f499635e8f79d295' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Construct the error object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/error.construct.php * @param string $message [optional] The Error message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Error code. * @param null|Throwable $previous [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'eb0f6fd8b7db8786305e39f680e8fdfb' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the exception code * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getcode.php * @return int

* Returns the exception code as integer in * {@see Exception} but possibly as other type in * {@see Exception} descendants (for example as * string in {@see PDOException}). *

* @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => 'getCode', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '15662eecb11c3eb837a41c5b4325b2ec' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the file in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getfile.php * @return string Returns the name of the file from which the object was thrown. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => 'getFile', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '47954cb40957418af1c13755e720d67a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the line on which the object was instantiated * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getline.php * @return int Returns the line number where the thrown object was instantiated. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => 'getLine', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'fb1a02576f952424ad8eb80a5e905035' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the stack trace * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettrace.php * @return array

* Returns the stack trace as an array in the same format as * {@see debug_backtrace()}. *

* @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => 'getTrace', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '71cb3a4b92fbb15cfc4d7008106224c6' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the stack trace as a string * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettraceasstring.php * @return string Returns the stack trace as a string. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => 'getTraceAsString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '77a282ec02ce7b79a5017c658038dd4d' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns the previous Throwable * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getprevious.php * @return Throwable Returns the previous {@see Throwable} if available, or NULL otherwise. * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => 'getPrevious', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'cc144c81076d8e0bf02cf1fc9563786b' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets a string representation of the thrown object * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.tostring.php * @return string

Returns the string representation of the thrown object.

* @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => '__toString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'ed9d78871fa7cf7acdf7e1292c9e93b0' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Clone the error * Error can not be clone, so this method results in fatal error. * @return void * @link https://php.net/manual/en/error.clone.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Error', 'functionName' => '__clone', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'a5ffc83112d5c2987b48f589c31e7be1' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * There are three scenarios where a TypeError may be thrown. * The first is where the argument type being passed to a function does not match its corresponding declared * parameter type. The second is where a value being returned from a function does not match the declared function return type. The third is where an * invalid number of arguments are passed to a built-in PHP function (strict mode only). * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.typeerror.php * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'TypeError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '1c3a357b2b000e9a307e644bd223d295' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * ParseError is thrown when an error occurs while parsing PHP code, such as when {@see eval()} is called. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.parseerror.php * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ParseError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'ff904009db3b785b6a05ec0a7b4b4f18' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * ArgumentCountError is thrown when too few arguments are passed to a user * defined routine. * * @since 7.1 * @see https://php.net/migration71.incompatible#migration71.incompatible.too-few-arguments-exception */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArgumentCountError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f87ee2938d12aa6c02f9af135d94999a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * ArithmeticError is thrown when an error occurs while performing mathematical operations. * In PHP 7.0, these errors include attempting to perform a bitshift by a negative amount, * and any call to {@see intdiv()} that would result in a value outside the possible bounds of an integer. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.arithmeticerror.php * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ArithmeticError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '02c5e572e0eb3001f6f478941c47bfbd' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Class CompileError * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.compileerror.php * @since 7.3 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'CompileError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '13e4c972bc460013b3ef42128e65d1e4' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * DivisionByZeroError is thrown when an attempt is made to divide a number by zero. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.divisionbyzeroerror.php * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'DivisionByZeroError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '6f7c7935f0571052420b2da00cecd464' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @since 8.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'UnhandledMatchError', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '655ba08f55f4d3d6f2dacb9ae0e9da68' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * An Error Exception. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.errorexception.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ErrorException', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '309a76352ab067a184003d86fe0d3346' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Constructs the exception * @link https://php.net/manual/en/errorexception.construct.php * @param string $message [optional] The Exception message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Exception code. * @param int $severity [optional] The severity level of the exception. * @param string $filename [optional] The filename where the exception is thrown. * @param int $line [optional] The line number where the exception is thrown. * @param Exception $previous [optional] The previous exception used for the exception chaining. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ErrorException', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'ad5d715134c19a2477c152e4dc758a5a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets the exception severity * @link https://php.net/manual/en/errorexception.getseverity.php * @return int the severity level of the exception. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'ErrorException', 'functionName' => 'getSeverity', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f7f3190563dda1769c1d206084b3af43' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Class used to represent anonymous functions. *

Anonymous functions, implemented in PHP 5.3, yield objects of this type. * This fact used to be considered an implementation detail, but it can now be relied upon. * Starting with PHP 5.4, this class has methods that allow further control of the anonymous function after it has been created. *

Besides the methods listed here, this class also has an __invoke method. * This is for consistency with other classes that implement calling magic, as this method is not used for calling the function. * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.closure.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '8d3de81f46a6ee2982e95fa1ee46185e' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * This method exists only to disallow instantiation of the Closure class. * Objects of this class are created in the fashion described on the anonymous functions page. * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/closure.construct.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f367a012007c7a9814e33b0bf0e3b99a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * This is for consistency with other classes that implement calling magic, * as this method is not used for calling the function. * @param mixed ...$_ [optional] * @return mixed * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.closure.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => '__invoke', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '7bfe257bb61c52f84ad438fe0a22e5b3' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Duplicates the closure with a new bound object and class scope * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/closure.bindto.php * @param object|null $newThis The object to which the given anonymous function should be bound, or NULL for the closure to be unbound. * @param mixed $newScope The class scope to which associate the closure is to be associated, or \'static\' to keep the current one. * If an object is given, the type of the object will be used instead. * This determines the visibility of protected and private methods of the bound object. * @return Closure|false Returns the newly created Closure object or FALSE on failure */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => 'bindTo', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'b4427f5973871da7e196a82fe04f4fd1' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * This method is a static version of Closure::bindTo(). * See the documentation of that method for more information. * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/closure.bind.php * @param Closure $closure The anonymous functions to bind. * @param object|null $newThis The object to which the given anonymous function should be bound, or NULL for the closure to be unbound. * @param mixed $newScope The class scope to which associate the closure is to be associated, or \'static\' to keep the current one. * If an object is given, the type of the object will be used instead. * This determines the visibility of protected and private methods of the bound object. * @return Closure|false Returns the newly created Closure object or FALSE on failure */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => 'bind', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '43aefdf54e457525d5f66b7c7e4ecb2d' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Temporarily binds the closure to newthis, and calls it with any given parameters. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/closure.call.php * @param object $newThis The object to bind the closure to for the duration of the call. * @param mixed $args [optional] Zero or more parameters, which will be given as parameters to the closure. * @return mixed * @since 7.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => 'call', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '0eab5e5dddefff650fa83c148d65834a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @param callable $callback * @return Closure * @since 7.1 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Closure', 'functionName' => 'fromCallable', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '04bc6ab9aaa9fe2d814f778f8ca17fb1' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Classes implementing Countable can be used with the * count function. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.countable.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Countable', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '63b771726ff273827e2b8c255f2470c6' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Count elements of an object * @link https://php.net/manual/en/countable.count.php * @return int The custom count as an integer. *

* The return value is cast to an integer. *

*/', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Countable', 'functionName' => 'count', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '3e4c01423e8c8c3b611227fcfbc328f9' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Weak references allow the programmer to retain a reference to an * object which does not prevent the object from being destroyed. * They are useful for implementing cache like structures. * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.weakreference.php */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakReference', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '4485b9ae31f3980ef14ceac410c997f9' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * This method exists only to disallow instantiation of the WeakReference * class. Weak references are to be instantiated with the factory method * WeakReference::create(). */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakReference', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'd3e7aaff9383793f71cad314b9dc97c0' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Create a new weak reference. * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/weakreference.create.php * @param object $referent The object to be weakly referenced. * @return WeakReference the freshly instantiated object. * @since 7.4 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakReference', 'functionName' => 'create', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'b2c0c51a22ac57f69ee3e4803c4cd71b' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Gets a weakly referenced object. If the object has already been * destroyed, NULL is returned. * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/weakreference.get.php * @return object|null * @since 7.4 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakReference', 'functionName' => 'get', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '0551bef56a783cc6726874e7023c6710' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Weak maps allow creating a map from objects to arbitrary values * (similar to SplObjectStorage) without preventing the objects that are used * as keys from being garbage collected. If an object key is garbage collected, * it will simply be removed from the map. * * @since 8.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '53acb5aab8cb21f1a22e77c572195589' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns {@see true} if the value for the object is contained in * the {@see WeakMap} and {@see false} instead. * * @param object $object Any object * @return bool */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => 'offsetExists', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '87e698405e87fb470bea4eef8b006e6e' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns the existsing value by an object. * * @param object $object Any object * @return mixed Value associated with the key object */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => 'offsetGet', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'acb173cdab2220621792b25daa234abb' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Sets a new value for an object. * * @param object $object Any object * @param mixed $value Any value * @return void */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => 'offsetSet', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '3d99fe6cd6223f02dc73207d7622478c' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Force removes an object value from the {@see WeakMap} instance. * * @param object $object Any object * @return void */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => 'offsetUnset', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'b8784eaf2949294f3c29f53c191ea186' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns an iterator in the "[object => mixed]" format. * * @return Traversable */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => 'getIterator', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'a661c0c77f7a6e42bab1e26f6f4ea97d' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Returns the number of items in the {@see WeakMap} instance. * * @return int */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'WeakMap', 'functionName' => 'count', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'cc120d1a6c33bccabdeae787150d6cb5' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Stringable interface marks classes as available for serialization * in a string. * * @since 8.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Stringable', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'c76205da0f812022d665bd6d929e2f68' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Magic method {@see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.magic.php} * called during serialization to string. * * @return string Returns string representation of the object that * implements this interface (and/or "__toString" magic method). */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Stringable', 'functionName' => '__toString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'd12151b9f0929bd11d252546928aa3a8' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @since 8.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Attribute', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'e9865bcb85f455bc659795f9738168b6' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in classes. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Attribute', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'f80f43b40e3112925e3abdeb1abb8c22' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in functions. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Attribute', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '801d84b3861239167f896b11461a0dbf' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Marks 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PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '4e1888aabe28435ac4dc09525f842358' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in class constants. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Attribute', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '58b61ce0901d11173449437a50e9a527' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in function or method parameters. */', 'nameScope' => 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=> false, )), )), '7f48c6a47beb2a48781d59ad2ae99514' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Notes that an attribute declaration in the same place is * allowed multiple times. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Attribute', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '521dc45a6fbca7df3f33a54091e1fe0a' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @param int $flags A value in the form of a bitmask indicating the places * where attributes can be defined. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'Attribute', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '66b58a2a44f9fd5939626f783754b7b9' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * A class for working with PHP tokens, which is an alternative to * the {@see token_get_all()} function. * * @since 8.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), 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'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'fbce283111889c7eb92370086919b59b' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * The starting line number (1-based) of the token. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '4f331654fa7b6b59583bf7625d76fdd3' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * The starting position (0-based) in the tokenized string. */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '068c6b47b3bbc0ed2ab5e0efdb6d4dcb' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @param int $id An integer identifier * @param string $text Textual content * @param int $line Strating line * @param int $pos Straring position (line offset) */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => '__construct', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '3299bd81ac32ddb144a409329bda52c5' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Get the name of the token. * * @return string|null */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => 'getTokenName', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '8627daa5123e8e479f430eaace18fd9e' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Same as {@see token_get_all()}, but returning array of {@see PhpToken} * or an instance of a child class. * * @param string $code An a PHP source code * @param int $flags * @return static[] */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => 'tokenize', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), 'd004b3eb0e3bfd792ff0d046063125c8' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Whether the token has the given ID, the given text, or has an ID/text * part of the given array. * * @param int|string|array $kind * @return bool */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => 'is', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '92f974b8ac0515ff55204f6013559b34' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * Whether this token would be ignored by the PHP parser. * * @return bool */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => 'isIgnorable', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '7cc1088ebfa12c15bb947d6ac08d01c1' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * {@inheritDoc} */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'PhpToken', 'functionName' => '__toString', 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), '02156a886a811b73f40df779e5f52d2b' => PHPStan\PhpDoc\NameScopedPhpDocString::__set_state(array( 'phpDocString' => '/** * @since 8.0 */', 'nameScope' => PHPStan\Analyser\NameScope::__set_state(array( 'namespace' => NULL, 'uses' => array ( 'expectedvalues' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ExpectedValues', 'pure' => 'JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Pure', ), 'className' => 'InternalIterator', 'functionName' => NULL, 'templateTypeMap' => PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap::__set_state(array( 'types' => array ( ), )), 'typeAliasesMap' => array ( ), 'bypassTypeAliases' => false, )), )), ), ));