* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @link https://vufind.org/wiki/development */ namespace VuFindTest; use VuFindHttp\HttpService as Service; /** * Proxy service unit test. * * PHP version 5 * * Copyright (C) Villanova University 2010. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * @category VuFind * @package Tests * @author David Maus * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @link https://vufind.org/wiki/development */ class HttpServiceTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { /** * Example representations of localhost. * * @var array */ protected $local = ['ipv4 localhost' => 'http://localhost', 'ipv4 loopback' => '', 'ipv6 loopback' => 'http://[::1]']; /** * Example custom regular expression for extended local server detection. * * @var string */ protected $localAddressesRegEx = '@^(localhost|127(\.\d+){3}|\[::1\]|([a-z])+\.internal)@'; /** * Test GET request with associative array. * * @return void */ public function testGetWithAssocParams() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('GET'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld?foo=bar&bar%5B0%5D=baz') ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->get('http://example.tld', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => ['baz']]); } /** * Test GET request with parameter pairs. * * @return void */ public function testGetWithParamPairs() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('GET'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld?foo=bar&bar=baz&bar=bar') ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->get('http://example.tld', ['foo=bar', 'bar=baz', 'bar=bar']); } /** * Test GET request appends query part. * * @return void */ public function testGetAppendsQueryPart() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('GET'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld?foo=bar&bar=baz') ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->get('http://example.tld?foo=bar', ['bar=baz']); } /** * Test GET request appends headers. * * @return void */ public function testGetAppendsHeaders() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('GET'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld?foo=bar') ), $this->equalTo('1.1'), $this->equalTo( [ 'Host' => 'example.tld', 'Connection' => 'close', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', 'User-Agent' => 'Laminas_Http_Client', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json', ] ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->get( 'http://example.tld', ['foo=bar'], 'test', ['Content-type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json'] ); } /** * Test POST request appends headers. * * @return void */ public function testPostAppendsHeaders() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('POST'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld') ), $this->equalTo('1.1'), $this->equalTo( [ 'Host' => 'example.tld', 'Connection' => 'close', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', 'User-Agent' => 'Laminas_Http_Client', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Length' => '5', ] ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->post('http://example.tld', 'dummy', 'application/json', null, ['Accept: application/json']); } /** * Test POST request of form data. * * @return void */ public function testPostForm() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('POST'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld', 'foo=bar&bar=baz') ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->postForm('http://example.tld', ['foo=bar']); } /** * Test POST request.with empty body * * @return void */ public function testSendPostRequestEmptyBody() { $service = new Service(); $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test') ->onlyMethods(['write'])->getMock(); $adapter->expects($this->once()) ->method('write') ->with( $this->equalTo('POST'), $this->equalTo( new \Laminas\Uri\Http('http://example.tld') ) ); $service->setDefaultAdapter($adapter); $service->post('http://example.tld'); } /** * Test proxify. * * @return void */ public function testProxify() { $service = new Service( [ 'proxy_host' => 'localhost', 'proxy_port' => '666', ] ); $client = new \Laminas\Http\Client('http://example.tld:8080'); $client = $service->proxify($client); $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Proxy', $adapter); $config = $adapter->getConfig(); $this->assertEquals('localhost', $config['proxy_host']); $this->assertEquals('666', $config['proxy_port']); } /** * Test proxify with a Curl adapter. * * @return void */ public function testProxifyCurlAdapter() { $service = new Service( [ 'proxy_host' => 'localhost', 'proxy_port' => '666', ] ); $service->setDefaultAdapter(new \Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl()); $client = new \Laminas\Http\Client('http://example.tld:8080'); $client = $service->proxify($client); $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl', $adapter); $config = $adapter->getConfig(); $this->assertEquals('localhost', $config['curloptions'][CURLOPT_PROXY]); $this->assertEquals('666', $config['curloptions'][CURLOPT_PROXYPORT]); } /** * Test proxify w/SOCKS5 option. * * @return void */ public function testProxifySocks5() { $service = new Service( [ 'proxy_host' => 'localhost', 'proxy_port' => '666', 'proxy_type' => 'socks5', ] ); $client = new \Laminas\Http\Client('http://example.tld:8080'); $client = $service->proxify($client); $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl', $adapter); $config = $adapter->getConfig(); $this->assertEquals('localhost', $config['curloptions'][CURLOPT_PROXY]); $this->assertEquals('666', $config['curloptions'][CURLOPT_PROXYPORT]); $this->assertEquals( CURLPROXY_SOCKS5, $config['curloptions'][CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE] ); $this->assertNotContains(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, $config['curloptions']); } /** * Test no proxify with local address. * * @return void */ public function testNoProxifyLocal() { $service = new Service( [ 'proxy_host' => 'localhost', 'proxy_port' => '666', ] ); foreach ($this->local as $name => $address) { $client = new \Laminas\Http\Client($address); $client->setAdapter(new \Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test()); $client = $service->proxify($client); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test', $client->getAdapter(), sprintf('Failed to proxify %s: %s', $name, $address) ); } } /** * Test that a local custom address does not get proxified when correctly * configured. * * @return void */ public function testNoProxifyLocalAddress() { $service = new Service( [ 'proxy_host' => 'localhost', 'proxy_port' => '666', ], [], [ 'localAddressesRegEx' => $this->localAddressesRegEx, ] ); $localAddress = 'http://solr.internal'; $client = new \Laminas\Http\Client($localAddress); $client->setAdapter(new \Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test()); $client = $service->proxify($client); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test', $client->getAdapter(), sprintf('Failed to proxify %s', $localAddress) ); } /** * Test that an external address still gets proxified when a custom local * regular expression is configured. * * @return void */ public function testProxifyExternalAddress() { $service = new Service( [ 'proxy_host' => 'localhost', 'proxy_port' => '666', ], [], [ 'localAddressesRegEx' => $this->localAddressesRegEx, ] ); $externalAddress = 'http://solr.external'; $client = new \Laminas\Http\Client($externalAddress); $client->setAdapter(new \Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Test()); $client = $service->proxify($client); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Proxy', $client->getAdapter(), sprintf('Failed to proxify %s', $externalAddress) ); } /** * Test for runtime exception. * * @return void */ public function testRuntimeException() { $this->expectException(\VuFindHttp\Exception\RuntimeException::class); $service = new Service(); $service->get('http://example.tld'); } /** * Test isAssocArray with mixed keys. * * @return void */ public function testIsAssocArrayWithMixedKeys() { $arr = []; $arr[] = 'foo'; $arr['foo'] = 'bar'; $this->assertTrue(Service::isAssocParams($arr)); } /** * Test default settings. * * @return void */ public function testDefaults() { $service = new Service([], ['foo' => 'bar']); $client = $service->createClient(); $clientConfig = $this->getProperty($client, 'config'); $this->assertEquals($clientConfig['foo'], 'bar'); } /** * Test timeout setting. * * @return void */ public function testTimeout() { $service = new Service(); $client = $service->createClient(null, \Laminas\Http\Request::METHOD_GET, 67); $clientConfig = $this->getProperty($client, 'config'); $this->assertEquals($clientConfig['timeout'], 67); } /** * Test defaults with Curl adapter. * * @return void */ public function testCurlAdapterDefaults() { $service = new Service( [], ['adapter' => '\Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl'] ); $client = $service->createClient('http://example.tld:8080'); $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl', $adapter); $config = $adapter->getConfig(); $this->assertFalse(isset($config['curloptions'])); } /** * Test defaults with Curl adapter. * * @return void */ public function testCurlAdapterFollowLocation() { $service = new Service( [], [ 'adapter' => '\Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl', 'curloptions' => [ 52 => '1', ], ] ); $client = $service->createClient('http://example.tld:8080'); $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl', $adapter); $config = $adapter->getConfig(); $this->assertEquals( '1', $config['curloptions'][CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] ?? null ); } /** * Return protected or private property. * * Uses PHP's reflection API in order to modify property accessibility. * * @param object|string $object Object or class name * @param string $property Property name * * @throws \ReflectionException Property does not exist * * @return mixed */ protected function getProperty($object, $property) { $reflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($object, $property); $reflectionProperty->setAccessible(true); return $reflectionProperty->getValue($object); } }