====== PMC Meeting: January 10, 2022 ====== Attending: Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Mohan Pradhan, Hajo Seng Apologies: Oliver Goldschmidt, Ere Maijala, Craig Murdoch, Leander Seige ===== 1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting ===== * André/Demian/Ere/Mohan: Continue discussion of documentation management, etc. ONGOING * Demian: Continue moving OLF membership process forward. ONGOING * Demian: Set up form for collecting VuFind installation details. DONE * Demian: Share vufind.org web analytics with the group before next meeting. DONE * Hajo: Share WOLFcon details with the group as they emerge. ONGOING * Leila: Share discovery survey outcomes with the group before next meeting. DONE ===== 2. User Needs Assessment Survey ===== Leila shared survey results with the group. Leila suggested sharing the summary charts on the website to disseminate the information. Demian and Leila will put together a draft when time permits. ===== 3. WOLFcon 2022 ===== In person: August 31-September 2, 2022 in Hamburg. It is not yet known what virtual participation options will be available. ===== 4. Improve VuFind Installation List ===== Demian set up an [[https://vufind.org/advanced_demo/Feedback/Form/InstallationReport|Instance Report Form]]. The next step is to link to this from a message in the installation screen of VuFind. Demian will create a PR when time permits. ===== 5. vufind.org Web Analytics ===== Demian shared initial analytics with the group. Demian offered to resend on a recurring basis, but we need to decide on frequency. For now, will plan to send an updated report at end of quarter. Chris suggested comparing number of page views to age of page, to identify pages that may be in need of updates. Chris and Leila also both suggested analyzing search terms to see what people are looking for. Demian will try to do some of this analysis when time permits. ===== 6. GitHub Branch Protection ===== A recent accidental push to dev raised the idea of adding [[https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/defining-the-mergeability-of-pull-requests/about-protected-branches|branch protection]] to our GitHub configuration. Demian will apply to the dev branch; if testing goes well we can expand protection to additional branches. ===== 7. Documentation ===== Mohan will be sharing more documentation about automation scripts following the completion of the current training sessions. ===== 8. OLF Update ===== No news; Demian will follow up with a status check soon now that the holidays are over. ===== 9. Release Planning ===== It may be valuable to think about sprint coordination to complete some of our major projects (Doctrine conversion, theme work, etc.). There was positive reaction to the idea, but limited bandwidth to support it. This may be a good discussion for a future Community Call: presentation on Doctrine changes followed by sprint planning/coordination. André suggested perhaps having a quarterly meeting to plan/coordinate work amongst committers. Perhaps use one Community Call each quarter to review pull requests and assign deadlines. Demian should email committers to see if current time is convenient. We could try this at the start of Q2. André suggested that we could then also tie major and minor releases to the end of particular sprints. ===== 10. It Takes a Village: Resources Module ===== The next beta test for It Takes a Village is expected to be released later today. We need to finish testing by February 11. We should select an activity to include in the next Community Call as well as decide whether it would be useful to have a separate PMC meeting to do an additional activity. Demian will schedule a meeting for 1/26 for a PMC activity. ===== 11. Possible Future Actions ===== Some other possible items for the future: * Develop a fundraising communication plan - after February resource planning * Discuss a strategy for approaching VuFind services vendors (both for funding support and trademark compliance) * Develop a documentation maintenance plan * Investigate Dokuwiki enhancements ("old page" alerts, "page ownership" mechanism) * Community Call restructuring / marketing * "Good first issue" highlighting * Outreach to forks for new feature contributions * Marketing project (better VuFind definition, website improvements, etc.) * Publication / presentation efforts related to PMC and sustainability * Look at [[https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/ITAV/ITAViP+Toolkit%3A+Governance|It Take a Village Toolkit Governance Activities]]. * Look at [[https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/ITAV/ITAViP+Toolkit%3A+Technology|It Take a Village Toolkit Technology Activities]]. ===== Other Items ===== None this month. ===== Action Items ===== * André/Demian/Ere/Mohan: Continue discussion of documentation management, etc. * Demian: Continue moving OLF membership process forward. * Hajo: Share WOLFcon details with the group as they emerge. * Demian/Leila: Post discovery survey results on website. * Demian: Open PR to link from installation screens to installation report form. * Demian: Schedule reminder to send updated web analytics at end of quarter. * Demian: Do some basic analysis of web analytics results. * Demian: Turn on branch protection for dev branch in GitHub. * Demian: Send email to committers about possibility of using April Community Call for sprint planning. * Demian: Schedule "It Takes a Village" activity meeting for PMC on 1/26.