====== PMC Meeting: December 19, 2023 ====== Attending: Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Ere Maijala, Josef Moravec, Peter Murray, Mohan Raj Pradhan Apologies: Anne Christensen, Chris Hallberg, David Maus, Craig Murdoch ===== 1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting ===== * Craig/Demian/Mohan: make further progress on documentation updates. ONGOING * Chris: Complete PR incorporating feedback from [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qII8IRWOk0eP3er-91C5clhTfQq92yPkUbvAtq3xdNU/edit?usp=sharing|Josef's accessibility review]]. ONGOING; will remove from this agenda as this work is now being tracked through the monthly Community Call process. * Josef: Connect Robert Šípek with Chris for discussion of theme contributions. DONE * Chris: Research Javascript prototype pollution. DONE * Mohan: Share example eBook with PMC when ready (for discussion of "supports the project" logo/wording). ONGOING * Demian: Build time estimate for release 10.0 work. DONE * Chris: Demonstrate using GitHub stats to describe the work in a release for 9.1. ONGOING * Chris: Review accessibility of current vufind.org theme. ONGOING * ALL: Review website about/features/events/support pages and suggest updates where content is outdated. DONE ===== 2. Goal Review ===== 2023 Goals: * Release versions 9.0 (DONE!) and 9.1 (DONE!) * Hold a VuFind® Summit in Summer, 2023 linked with WOLFcon in some way (DONE!) * Run fundraising campaign in parallel with summer conference season (DONE!) * Complete a documentation improvement project (DONE!) * Complete a website improvement project (marketing-oriented) (DONE!) * Finish implementation of standard translation platform (DONE!) * Investigate possible training partnerships and fundraising around training materials (DONE! ... but possibly ongoing) ===== 3. Documentation ===== Demian has finished updating pages from [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v7ygNl-Wfd8RzXazUcnZH3dgNXSY2Vxs-vwEc_VK0XI/edit|Susan's Google doc summary]]. Several pages are listed on the [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/projects/6|documentation project board]] -- we should decide what to do with these as time permits. Next year, one of our goals should be to develop a documentation maintenance plan to keep things up to date going forward. Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol "open data sources" pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which recently had example XSLT import configs added to the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched). ===== 4. Fundraising ===== Demian has asked Lyrasis to contribute to the project in lieu of payment for his participation in a recent ITAV webinar. Demian shared some thoughts about cost estimation by email prior to the meeting. ===== 5. EU Cyber Resilience Act ===== No news this month. ===== 6. Website Improvement Project ===== Demian opened [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/3257|pull request #3257]] to bring the website content up to date. Demian will merge this following the meeting, as there were no objections. ===== 7. WOLFcon 2024 ===== The date and location of WOLFcon 2024 have been announced: September 24-26 at the University of London. In the new year, we should begin to plan for how the Summit and WOLFcon should interact next year (and decide what our requirements are, particularly in terms of virtual capabilities, to have the events coincide). ===== 8. Possible Future Actions ===== Some other possible items for the future: * Develop a documentation maintenance plan * "Good first issue" highlighting * Investigate getting a [[https://www.section508.gov/sell/vpat/|VPAT]] * Outreach to forks for new feature contributions * Marketing project (better VuFind® definition, website improvements, etc.) * Publication / presentation efforts related to PMC and sustainability * Look at [[https://itav.lyrasis.org/toolkit-governance/|It Take a Village Toolkit Governance Activities]]. * Look at [[https://itav.lyrasis.org/toolkit-technology/|It Take a Village Toolkit Technology Activities]]. * Investigate possible uses of AI for documentation, etc. ===== Other Items ===== Chris completed his research around Javascript prototype pollution and does not believe it poses a viable attack vector for our current code. ===== Action Items ===== * Demian/Mohan: make further progress on documentation updates. * Mohan: Share example eBook with PMC when ready (for discussion of "supports the project" logo/wording). * Chris: Demonstrate using GitHub stats to describe the work in a release for 9.1. * Chris: Review accessibility of current vufind.org theme. * ALL: Review/think about "Possible Future Actions" list (and your personal capacity to help) so we can set realistic/achievable/useful 2024 goals at the next meeting.