====== PMC Meeting: September 17, 2024 ====== Attending: Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Ere Maijala, Josef Moravec, Mohan Pradhan Apologies: Anne Christensen, Oliver Goldschmidt, David Maus, Craig Murdoch, Peter Murray, Hajo Seng ===== 1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting ===== * Demian / Mohan: make further progress on documentation updates. IN PROGRESS * André / Craig: Begin drafting article about PMC development and sustainability. IN PROGRESS * Leila / André / Peter: Continue investigating possible applications of AI tools to support the community. IN PROGRESS * André / Demian: continue Summit planning activities (next step: announce Summit registration page). DONE * Chris / Demian: Make outdated page report available to support documentation maintenance plan. DONE * ALL: Continue reviewing (and initialing) [[community:documentation_maintenance:popular_pages|popular pages]] in the wiki. DONE * Demian: Make Accessibility page visible in wiki navigation. DONE * Chris: Work on a first-draft VPAT. IN PROGRESS * Chris: Draft a "supports VuFind®" logo for Mohan's book. IN PROGRESS * André: Research accessibility tools / standards (or useful links summarizing these things) to enhance the Accessibility wiki page. DONE ===== 2. Goal Review ===== This year's goals: * Release versions 10.0 (DONE) and 10.1 (scheduled for November 4) * Hold a VuFind® Summit in Fall, 2024 linked with WOLFcon in some way (coming soon!) * Develop a documentation maintenance plan - DONE * Investigate possible uses of AI for documentation, support, code reviews, etc. * Perform literature review in Code4lib Journal/other sources regarding PMC/sustainability; draft and contribute an article if there is a sufficient need/gap. * Marketing improvements (review vufind.org accessibility, improve content as needed) - DONE ===== 3. Documentation ===== ==== Maintenance Plan ==== The [[community:documentation_maintenance:popular_pages|popular pages]] list review is complete. Chris has built a script to automatically generate the [[community:documentation_maintenance:outdated_pages|outdated pages]] list, and Demian has begun updating pages. Help from others would be appreciated! At present, the generation script is only being run manually; however, it could easily be automated if we want to use a particular schedule (daily? hourly?). ==== Page Updates ==== Demian and Mohan should update the DOAJ page and create a NepJol page based on their experiments. Work is still pending on the PubMed Central "open data sources" page. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which has example XSLT import configs in the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched). ==== Artificial Intelligence ==== No news. ==== PMC Article ==== No news. ===== 4. Accessibility ===== Demian has launched the [[:accessibility|Accessibility wiki page]]. André added some helpful links. Chris will begin work on VPAT development today. ===== 5. Fundraising ===== ==== Book Publishing ==== Chris has begun prototyping a "supports VuFind®" logo for Mohan's book project. Ere suggested the green variation might need dark or outlined text for better contrast. Reaction was positive; Chris will adjust the text and export file formats for sharing. Demian will build the "books" page and share for discussion. ===== 6. Training ===== Mohan's next training (post-WOLFcon) will be held in Sri Lanka. He will submit travel expenses for reimbursement soon. ===== 7. WOLFcon / Summit 2024 ===== Demian flies out to London on Friday, September 20th! Discussion: How should we address the sponsor meeting? Demian will reach out; we can accommodate something at the Summit if necessary. ===== 8. Possible Future Actions ===== Some other possible items for the future: * "Good first issue" highlighting * Outreach to forks for new feature contributions * Look at [[https://itav.lyrasis.org/toolkit-governance/|It Take a Village Toolkit Governance Activities]]. * Look at [[https://itav.lyrasis.org/toolkit-technology/|It Take a Village Toolkit Technology Activities]]. ===== Other Items ===== None this month. ===== Action Items ===== * Demian / Mohan: make further progress on documentation updates. * André / Craig: Begin drafting article about PMC development and sustainability. * Leila / André / Peter: Continue investigating possible applications of AI tools to support the community. * Chris: Work on a first-draft VPAT. * Chris: Finalize the "supports VuFind®" logo for Mohan's book. * Demian: Draft the "books" page to complement the support logo. * Demian: Reach out to supporters regarding a PMC meeting at the Summit. * ALL: Review/update [[community:documentation_maintenance:outdated_pages|outdated pages]]. * Chris/Demian: automate regeneration of [[community:documentation_maintenance:outdated_pages|outdated pages]] list via cron.