====== Connecting to Third-Party Content ====== In addition to loading content into its own internal index, VuFind® can also communicate with third-party services to pull in additional information. ===== BrowZine ===== Journal information can be searched through [[http://thirdiron.com/|BrowZine]] starting with VuFind® 4.1. Copy the [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/blob/dev/config/vufind/BrowZine.ini|BrowZine.ini]] file into your [[configuration:local_settings_directory|local settings directory]] and fill in the necessary details. The comments in the file will guide you. Once configured, searches can be performed at http://your-server/vufind/BrowZine. The BrowZine module is most useful in combination with [[configuration:combining_search_types|combined searching]]. ===== EBSCO ===== EBSCO content can be accessed with either the [[https://www.ebsco.com/products/ebsco-discovery-service|EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service)]] or [[http://support.ebsco.com/eit/|EIT (EBSCO Integration Toolkit)]] module. The EIT service is deprecated, so EDS is recommended when possible. Each service has its own .ini file in VuFind®'s configuration directory which can be edited to activate the appropriate module of VuFind®. Searches can then be performed at http://your-server/vufind/EDS or http://your-server/vufind/EIT, as appropriate. Starting with VuFind® 9.1, EDS customers can also access [[https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Publication-Finder-User-Guide|EBSCO Publication Finder]] as a separate search backend. ===== LibGuides ===== Your LibGuides can be searched in VuFind® starting with VuFind® 2.3. Copy the [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/blob/dev/config/vufind/LibGuides.ini|LibGuides.ini]] file into your [[configuration:local_settings_directory|local settings directory]] and fill in the necessary details. The comments in the file will guide you. Once configured, searches can be performed at http://your-server/vufind/LibGuides. The LibGuides module is most useful in combination with [[configuration:combining_search_types|combined searching]]. Starting with VuFind® 9.1, you can also search Database A-Z data stored in LibGuides. There is a separate LibGuidesAZ.ini file which can be configured, but by default, this will inherit settings from the existing LibGuides.ini file. To perform Database A-Z searches, go to http://your-server/vufind/LibGuidesAZ. ===== OverDrive ===== Content from [[https://www.overdrive.com/|OverDrive]] can be incorporated into your catalog. See the [[configuration:overdrive|OverDrive Configuration]] page for more details. ===== Primo Central ===== Ex Libris [[http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/PrimoCentral|Primo Central]] content can be accessed by modifying the Primo.ini file in VuFind®'s configuration directory and going to http://your-server/vufind/Primo. ===== Summon ===== To search [[http://www.serialssolutions.com/discovery/summon/|Serials Solutions' Summon]] through the VuFind® interface, you will need to enable Summon in the VuFind® configuration file to enable this functionality. * Uncomment the [Summon] section of [[configuration:files:config.ini]] file. * Advanced settings can also be customized in [[configuration:files:summon.ini|Summon.ini]] file. To access the Summon service in your VuFind® installation, add "/Summon/Home" to the VuFind® base URL. Presently, the Summon module stands alone -- you will have to build custom menus and search boxes if you want to more tightly integrate it with other VuFind® modules. Visit [[http://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-484|this JIRA ticket]] if you would like a copy of the custom code used for [[https://library.villanova.edu/Find|Villanova's VuFind® + Summon integration]]. ===== WorldCat ===== To search items held at other libraries via [[https://www.oclc.org/developer/api/oclc-apis/worldcat-search-api.en.html|OCLC's WorldCat Search API]], you will need to take the following steps: * Uncomment the [WorldCat] section of the [[configuration:files:config.ini]] file * Advanced settings can also be customized in [[configuration:files:worldcat.ini|WorldCat.ini]] file. WorldCat content can be accessed by adding "/WorldCat/Home" to your VuFind® base URL. Presently, the WorldCat module stands alone -- you will have to build custom menus and search boxes if you want to more tightly integrate it with other VuFind® modules. ===== Mixing and Matching ===== See the [[configuration:combining_search_types|Combining Search Types]] page for details on combining results from multiple sources. If you want to use VuFind® as a custom interface for one of these services, but you do not need to also maintain a local Solr instance, see [[configuration:using_vufind_without_solr|Using VuFind® Without Solr]]. ===== Other Providers ===== Any content provider with an API can potentially be integrated with VuFind®. See [[development:howtos:connecting_a_new_external_data_source|Connecting a New External Data Source]] for more information on how to build a VuFind® connector. Feel free to reach out to the community through the [[https://vufind.org/vufind/support.html|support page]] if you want to begin a project to support a new service. ===== See Also ===== For information on augmenting results with additional content like cover images and reviews, see the [[configuration:external_content|external content]] page.