====== VuFind Developers Call Minutes: February 22, 2011 ====== Attending: Jeffrey Barnett, Demian Katz, Daniel Lovins, Luke O'Sullivan, Fang Peng, Graham Seaman ===== Agenda ===== ==== 1. Continuous Integration Update ==== Style cleanup nearly complete -- only 26 remaining high priority issues. Recent failed builds are related to problems in the latest version of Hudson's xUnit plug-in; the plug-in has been downgraded to a version that actually works. ==== 2. jQuery/XHTML Theme ==== Demian finished cosmetic fixes in AlphaBrowse and Authority modules. Tuan still working on finishing touches. ==== 3. Icon Set for Library Software ==== No news from the Gnome world, but someone at [[http://libregraphicsworld.org|libregraphicsworld.org]] expressed interest in working on this. There is an upcoming libregraphics convention in Canada that might be worth pursuing. ==== 4. New JIRA Tickets ==== [[http://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-382|VUFIND-382]] adds a visual timeline to VuFind through the recommendation interface. Please test and provide comments to Till if you are interested. ==== 5. More Flexible Statistics ==== No one on the call expressed interest in working on this -- but feel free to volunteer if you want to. ==== 6. Plug-in Architecture ==== Deferred again -- Demian is still waiting to receive reading material. ==== 7. Other Topics? ==== Some discussion of features in next month's VuFind 1.1 release took place. Luke and Demian are currently working on adapting his "additional ILS functions" (holds, renewals, etc.) patch for inclusion in the trunk, but this will likely be deferred until 1.1.1 since it will require another round of translation work. Demian plans to work on [[http://dev.mendeley.com/|Mendeley API]] integration in the near future. ===== Next Call ===== The next call will be Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 10am Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5:00).