====== VuFind Developers Call Minutes: April 26, 2016 ====== Attending: Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, André Lahmann, Jochen Lienhard ===== Agenda ===== ==== 1. Development Updates ==== === JIRA Tickets === * [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1165|VUFIND-1165]] - the MultiBackend ILS driver does not currently support getSuppressedRecords(); this ticket tracks the shortcoming. * [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1166|VUFIND-1166]] - tracks a time-related bug (due today = overdue) in the Horizon ILS driver. * [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1167|VUFIND-1167]] - reports a bug with loading dynamic OpenURL content in the context of an AJAX-loaded tab (fix has been committed as of 3.0). * [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1168|VUFIND-1168]] - reports a bug in the 3.0 release: anchor links in help screens do not function properly in new lightbox; a fix will be incorporated into 3.0.1. * [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1169|VUFIND-1169]] - reports the availability of an SSL version of the HathiTrust preview API, which can help avoid mixed-content errors in secure VuFind instances; this version will be used in release 3.0.1 and newer. === Pull Requests === * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/678|#678]] - in progress - new feature to pop up a lightbox for deep facet list exploration. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/679|#679]] - in progress - a proposed adjustment to the formatting of search results that makes use of Bootstrap media objects for improved display. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/680|#680]] - in progress - an upgrade to FontAwesome to improve accessibility, among other things. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/681|#681]] - merged - Debian package improvements. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/682|#682]] - merged - Improved Swedish translations. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/683|#683]] - merged - work on [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1167|VUFIND-1167]] (OpenURL AJAX problems). * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/684|#684]] - merged - Improved PHP 7 session handler compatibility. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/685|#685]] - in progress - improvements to the Ezb link resolver driver. * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/686|#686]] - merged - work on [[https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-1169|VUFIND-1169]] (HathiTrust SSL). * [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/687|#687]] - merged - Improved validation of "view" parameter. === Release 3.0 === Release 3.0 went out on time. Due to some late translations and minor bugs, there will be a 3.0.1 release in a month or two. ==== 2. Development Planning ==== === Front-end Issues === Things to do: - Discuss Grunt (see [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/659|PR #659]]) - Finish "bootstrap3-list" [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/205|pull request]]. - Fix the "two search boxes for responsiveness" problem - Settle on code styling (see [[https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/tree/master/es5|suggested reading]]) Jochen mentioned that he will review bootstrap3-list soon. We will discuss all of these items in more detail next time (Chris' voice was not fully functional this week). === API === No news. === Modularization === No news. === Next ZF Version === Still investigating on Villanova's end need to get PHP upgraded beyond 5.4. New version of Symfony/YAML component requires PHP 5.5: another argument for raising VuFind's requirements soon. === Improved Use of Permissions === A little more discussion on [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/608|pull request]] but no major news. === Improved Geographic Features === Leila is starting to work through OpenLayers 3, looking to transition from 2.x code. Initially looks like an easy port. Will be targeted for 3.1 release (since it is an improvement rather than a bug fix). === Git PR Tagging === After last week's call, Chris set up some useful default tags and tagged all outstanding pull requests. We may want to examine the permissions situation for adding tags, since right now most users do not have permission to use them. Chris has also added a pull request template to the repository, which pre-fills the description of new pull requests. Not everyone likes this -- we should discuss further. We are also looking into making better use of milestones within GitHub; more discussion to come. ==== 3. Other Topics? ==== None this week. ===== Next Call ===== The next call will be Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).