====== Admin API ====== // This API was introduced in release 9.0. // Currently the admin API contains only an endpoint for clearing caches. If the caller has the required permission, the API endpoints are listed in the Swagger UI at /vufind/api (e.g. http://localhost/vufind/api). Swagger UI can be used to view the API specification and to actually try it out. The actual Swagger specification is at /vufind/api?swagger. ===== Permissions Required ===== This endpoint requires the "access.api.admin.cache" permission. ===== Examples ===== Access the Swagger UI: http://localhost/vufind/api Retrieve the Swagger specification: http://localhost/vufind/api?swagger Clear default caches using curl: curl -X delete 'http://localhost/vufind2/api/v1/admin/cache' Clear cover cache using curl: curl -X delete 'http://localhost/vufind2/api/v1/admin/cache?id[]=cover'