====== CAPTCHA Handler Plugins ====== Beginning with VuFind 7.0, different CAPTCHA methods can be configured to prevent automated agents from accessing protected features of VuFind. ===== Key Plugin Details ===== **Default Namespace:** \VuFind\Captcha **Required Base Class:** [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/blob/dev/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Captcha/AbstractBase.php|\VuFind\Captcha\AbstractBase]] **Service Locator Configuration Section in module.config.php:** ['vufind']['plugin_managers']['captcha'] **Service Manager Name for Service Locator:** VuFind\Captcha\PluginManager **Template Name:** To display the CAPTCHA control, VuFind will attempt to load a template from the Captcha folder of the current theme whose name corresponds with the class of the plugin (ignoring the namespace). The template will have access to the plugin object as $this->captcha. See the [[development:plugins:general_information|General Plugin Information]] page for more details on VuFind plugins. ===== Configuring CAPTCHA ===== See the comments in the [Captcha] section of [[configuration:files:config.ini]] for details on how to activate CAPTCHA.