====== How to import EPrints with VuFind® ====== // Tips and configurations courtesy of Ranju Upadhyay, National University of Ireland Maynooth. // The [[https://www.eprints.org|EPrints]] repository is quite similar to [[indexing:dspace|DSpace]]. On the EPrints side, the data is already exposed for harvesting in oai_dc, so no additional configuration is required to obtain metadata. You can follow these steps to ingest EPrints data into VuFind®: ===== 1. Set up OAI Harvester ===== Create an oai.ini section similar to this example from National University of Ireland Maynooth: [NUIMEprints] url = http://oureprintshostname/cgi/oai2 metadataPrefix = oai_dc idSearch[] = "/^oai:generic.eprints.org:/" idReplace[] = "nuimeprn-" ;idSearch[] = "/\//" ;idReplace[] = "-" injectId = "identifier" ;injectDate = "datestamp" Because colons in identifiers can cause problems, it is helpful to remap the prefix to use "-" as the delimiter the my namespace and EPrints uuid, i.e. nuimeprn- and not nuimeprn: ===== 2. Set up import properties ===== You can copy the dspace.properities file to eprints.properties, and make adjustments similar to: institution = "National University of Ireland Maynooth " collection = "ePrints" ===== 3. Set up import XSLT ===== You can also copy dspace.xsl to eprints.xsl. Two small changes should cover the differences between DSpace and EPrints. First, set the record type to eprints: eprints Second, add support for URLs from the dc:relation field: ===== 4. Set Up Change Tracking (optional) ===== If you need to track record change dates (see [[tracking_record_changes|Tracking Record Changes]] for details), you need to do a couple of extra things: * Uncomment the injectDate line in the oai.ini file section above. * Add these lines to eprints.properties: change_tracking_core = "biblio" change_tracking_date_tag_name = "datestamp"