====== Indexing Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL) into VuFind® ====== ===== Set Up Greenstone ===== OAI must be enabled on the Greenstone repository first. You can modify file of Greenstone to enable and configure OAI-PMH on file: $GSDL_HOME/etc/oai.cfg You can check all the settings of GSDL repository through URL: http://(IP or hostname)/greenstone/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi e.g. http://library.nams.org.np/nams/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi (Note: for detailed information about OAI-PMH on GSDL, see [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/OAI_support#Creating_a_collection_from_an_OAI_repository|this link]]) ===== Set Up VuFind® ===== 1. Modify $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/harvest/oai.ini as described [[#oai.ini Settings|below]]. 2. Create and modify $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/gsdl.properties (by copying $VUFIND_HOME/import/gsdl.properties) if it does not already exist. 3. Create and modify $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/xsl/gsdl.xsl if you wish to customize the import rules (optional -- defaults should be reasonable). 4. ''php $VUFIND_HOME/harvest/harvest_oai.php'' 5. ''$VUFIND_HOME/harvest/batch-import-xsl.sh Greenstone gsdl.properties'' ===== oai.ini Settings ===== [Greenstone] url = http://localhost/greenstone/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi metadataPrefix = oai_dc ; oai:repID:col:oid //This is the identifier format used in GREENSTONE OAI-PMH ;i.e example oai:gsdl:demo:demo.1 will be replaced to demo-1 on url link of VuFind® idSearch[] = "/^oai:gsdl:demo:demo./" idReplace[] = "demo-" ;also strip extra slashes idSearch[] = "/\//" idReplace[] = "" injectId = "identifier" dateGranularity = auto