====== MARC Export Notes: ExLibris Aleph ====== ===== Data Preparation ===== * choose data to export via p-ret-01 * if you don’t export everything, you need to run p-ret-10 afterwards (for example if you don’t want to export records which items are lost/missing/canceled = unavailable) ===== Exporting Data ===== * export data via p-print-03 * since Aleph v20 you can export directly to MARC binary mode (XML; necessary for UTF8) * in earlier versions you need a tool to convert the data (for example: yaz for SLES 11 http://software.opensuse.org/search?q=yaz&baseproject=SUSE%3ASLE-11%3ASP1&lang=de&exclude_debug=true) * export options (were recommended to me): * Fix-Routine: MABUS MABUS fix_doc_mab FILE=tab_fix_mabaseq MABUS fix_doc_convit FILE=tab_fix_convit_copy_fld MABUS fix_doc_convit FILE=tab_fix_mab2usm It is probable that the MABUS routine in tab_fix is superflous for MARC-Libraries (this is an example for those who work with MAB-Format). * Expand-Routine: PRINT-REC PRINT-REC expand_doc_mab PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_aut_700 PRINT-REC expand_doc_index_from_z403 PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_z403 CONF=expand_doc_bib_z403,TAG=991 PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_z30 CONF=expand_doc_bib_z30_vufind,TAG=852 PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_avail If you use MARC-format, the tab_expand of the PRINT-REC the folowing configurations may not be relevant to you. PRINT-REC expand_doc_mab PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_aut_700 * If you use ADAM (catalogue enrichment), you need to configure „z403“ (no information received, since we don’t use it) * Character Conversion: none ===== Further Information ===== * Some libraries use the PST, AVA, OWN, DEL, and STA fields for the export * To update the index you can use the field z07p to determine the items to export and insert into the index (for example new items) ===== Documentation ===== * [[https://documents.el-una.org/id/eprint/548/|Expand-Routines]] * [[https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/aleph/apis/aleph-restful-apis/|Aleph RESTful API]] ===== Notes from Václav Rosecký ===== For export process we use procedure print-03. If you need incremental update, you must combine print-03 with ret-01. Procedure ret-01 returns modified system numbers and you can use this list as the input for print-03. Export format is ISO 2709 MARC and you should not need any additional data processing in SolrMarc if you have one bibliographic base. If you have two or more bibliographic bases, you must modify index scripts in VuFind® to change record ID (we have two bibliographic bases, so our id in VuFind® is base + sysno separated by '-', eg. MZK03-000001479).