====== MeSH ====== :!: If you plan to use MeSH headings in your instance, be sure to read and comply with the [[https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/terms_and_conditions_mesh.html|National Library of Medicine Terms and Conditions]]. U.S. National Library of Medicine authority records (MeSH) are available to download through the [[https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html|Medical Subject Headings]] web page. Just click the "Download MeSH Data" link and pick the appropriate link under "MARC 21 Format." The file you need will be named using the format "YYYYMMDD_marc_fullYYYY.bin." Because VuFind®'s default import tool expects binary MARC files to have a .mrc extension instead of a .bin extension, you will need to rename the file after downloading it. A $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/marc_mesh.properties has to be built in order to correctly map the authority fields used in MeSH (you can refer to [[https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/blob/dev/import/marc_auth.properties|marc_auth.properties]] to see the defaults that you are overriding). This example should work in recent VuFind® releases, though you may wish to make adjustments to meet local preferences: id = 001, (pattern_map.id_prefix), first pattern_map.id_prefix.pattern_0 = (.+)=>mesh_$1 source = "U.S. National Library of Medicine authority records (MeSH)" heading = 100abcdegjqt:110abcdegjqt:111abcdegjqt:130abcdegjqt:150abvxyz:151avxy:155avxyz:180vxyz:181vxyz:182vxyz:185vxyz use_for = 400abcdegjqt:410abcdegjqt:411abcdegjqt:430abcdegjqt:450abvxyz:451avxy:455avxyz:480vxyz:481vxyz:482vxyz:485vxyz see_also = 500abcdegjqt:510abcdegjqt:511abcdegjqt:530abcdegjqt:550abvxyz:551avxy:555avxyz:580vxyz:581vxyz:582vxyz:585vxyz scope_note = custom, getAllSubfields(667:680:688, " ") Once the properties file is in place, the file can be imported with: cd $VUFIND_HOME ./import-marc-auth.sh /path/to/YYYYMMDD_marc_fullYYYY.mrc marc_mesh.properties