Table of Contents

Production Checklist

When moving your VuFind® instance into production, there are quite a few details you should consider. This page helps to gather them into a single list.

1. Security

One of the most important considerations when going to production is security. See the Security page for some helpful suggestions.

2. Content

Most of VuFind®'s default user interface is designed to be as generic as possible. However, there are some areas that are intended to be customized with locally-relevant content (or disabled). Some templates you should consider overriding in your local custom theme:

3. Configuration

VuFind®'s default configurations are designed to offer a reasonable starting point for most users, but there are a few settings that you will almost certainly want to change, and there are a number of optional features which are disabled by default but worth considering.

Changing Defaults

:!: Supported out of box starting with VuFind® 9.0

Legislation such as GDPR in Europe may require that the user is asked for consent to store cookies and be informed about mandatory ones. You can set up VuFind® to request cookie consent from the user. Also ensure that any added content from third parties is included in the cookie information and not displayed without consent.

Common Pitfalls

4. Automation

See the Automation page for some suggestions on automating common tasks to keep your instance up to date and performant.

In particular, don't forget to set up cron jobs to expire old searches and other obsolete data in your database, to avoid uncontrolled table growth. See the expire* jobs of the util category on the Command Line Utilities page for more information.