Registered Service Provider: HealthNet Nepal

Location: Nepal
Services Provided: Consultancy, Hosting, Installation & configuration, Customization, Development, Integrations, Training, Translation
Sectors/Customers Served: Academic, Public, Government, Corporate
Regions/Languages Supported: No regional restrictions.
Registered Service Provider Since: 2023
History/Community Contributions: We have been working with VuFind® for more than ten years. We have contributed to the project through updating wiki pages, developing a pre-configured LiveDVD containing VuFind and other open source software (such as Koha, DSpace, WordPress, SubjectsPlus, etc.), and running training programs and webinars on a regional basis.
Description: HealthNet Nepal is a non-profit NGO registered in Nepal which has been working for the last 20 years providing information services to the education and health sectors.