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VuFind Newsletter: April, 2020

Highlights / Executive Summary

April saw less VuFind activity than March, likely in large part due to many contributors transitioning to working from home and dealing with local needs. In spite of the ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic, VuFind development pressed on, with more issues being resolved than being opened. No major new features were introduced, but a significant number of bugs were fixed, some infrastructural improvements were made, some dependencies were upgraded, and a few existing features were enhanced.

The most significant work in progress continued to be the project to migrate from Laminas\Console to Symfony\Console as the platform for VuFind's command-line utilities. The work is now functionally complete and is planned to be merged next month, following an opportunity to discuss it at the next Community Call. Demian also wrote a migration blog post which goes into greater depth on the background and benefits of the project.

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month:

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month: