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VuFind Newsletter: May, 2020

Highlights / Executive Summary

May saw the completion of the project to migrate VuFind's console tools from laminas-mvc-console to Symfony/Console (including updates to some related work in progress). Other recent developments include several fixes and improvements related to integration with the EBSCO Discovery Service, expanded functionality in VuFind's RESTful API, support for automatic generation of more plugin types, upgrades to key front-end dependencies, and more.

This month also saw the announcement of a combined online event this fall as an alternative to the usual in-person VuFind Summits in Germany and the United States; see the press release for more details.

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month:

The following automated pull request was closed without action, as it would introduce unnecessary complexity to patch a problem that only applies to developer tools and thus is not a threat to end users:

This pull request was closed without action because it was determined to be unnecessary at this time:

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month:

Additionally, several earlier accessibility-related pull requests were (or soon will be) closed because they have been consolidated into the ongoing work in #1609.