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VuFind Newsletter: June, 2020

Highlights / Executive Summary

June was another very busy month for the VuFind project, with a focus on updating translations and finishing up existing pull requests in preparation for the 7.0 release on July 20. Major completed projects include substantial accessibility updates, a more flexible CAPTCHA system, Content Security Policy support, and a new-and-improved KohaRest ILS driver. Significant changes include a new default port number for VuFind's Solr instance (the standard Solr 8983, instead of the often-conflicting 8080), the removal of Amazon content support (due to deprecated libraries and lack of interest), and the migration of the Zend-based ZfcRbac authorization library to the equivalent Laminas-based LmcRbacMvc.

A few items originally slated for VuFind 7 have been rescheduled for VuFind 8 due to insufficient progress: refactoring of the AlphaBrowse Java code did not occur due to other obligations at the University of Chicago, and the Solr 8 upgrade could not proceed due to delays with the SolrMarc project.

A handful of VuFind 7 changes are still in progress, and should be completed during the early days of July.

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month:

Additionally, VUFIND-1356, the ticket dealing with improving the format of the Community Call, has been marked as resolved since the new format seems to be working well. Of course, further feedback and suggestions will always be welcomed.

VUFIND-1386, the reminder to backport certain accessibility-related translations to the release-5.1/release-6.1 branches, has been closed, as this work is now significantly underway, and Demian will remember to continue to backport translations as they arrive.

Pull request #1651 appears to have been opened by accident and was immediately closed.

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month: