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VuFind® Newsletter: October, 2022

Highlights / Executive Summary

In October, VuFind® development focused on completing outstanding work for the 9.0 release, and significant progress was made, including the completion of a significant new feature (optional star ratings), the removal of a number of obsolete/deprecated features, the expansion of the test suite, and the updating of some dependencies (most notably Solr). Additionally, a number of bugs were fixed, and some new security features were introduced (most significantly, the ability to disable user-initiated ILS login in situations where it is not needed – pull request #2570).

The Project Management Committee continued to work on improving documentation (most notably by developing a new Production Checklist wiki page), on-boarding new Registered Service Providers, managing the Community Call survey (for which results will be forthcoming) and investigating an improved platform for managing the project's internationalization.

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month:

Additionally, #2572 was opened by accident and subsequently closed. #2144 (Add proxy settings for Phing) was closed due to inactivity (and because there may be an alternate solution that does not require code changes).

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month: