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VuFind® Newsletter: June, 2024

Development Highlights and Project News

Development Progress

The biggest news for June is the on-schedule release of VuFind® 10.0, a major release which sets solid foundations for the project's future in addition to adding several new features and many small enhancements and fixes. You can learn more about what's new in the Press Release or the VuFind® 10.0 - What's New / What's Changed video.

With this major milestone completed, parallel work will now begin on releases 10.0.1 (to fix any bugs or omissions discovered in 10.0), 10.1 (to add new features for the next minor release) and 11.0 (to continue major architectural changes).

Project Management Committee Report

The Project Management Committee finished a small project to improve accessibility and modernize styles on the site. Work is also ongoing on documentation review and updates; with the 10.0 release behind us, that will become a greater focus of work for the remainder of the year.

Conference News

Planning continues for both WOLFcon 2024 (in London, September 24-26, with pre-conference workshops on September 23) and the 2024 VuFind® Summit (in Leipzig and online, September 30-October 1).

Please consider participating in either or both of these events!

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month and are included in release 10.0:

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.1:

These changes impacted the website:

This item was closed as “no longer needed:”

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month: