Table of Contents

PMC Meeting: June 14, 2021

Attending: Oliver Goldschmidt, Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Craig Murdoch, Mohan Pradhan, Hajo Seng

Apologies: Ere Maijala

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

2. Membership Levels and Benefits

Hajo spoke with some stakeholders who raised three points of interest:

  1. They would like to get informed about what's going on within the project (broader view: future, etc.)
  2. They would like to learn about the status of technical topics on the agenda/roadmap (e.g. theme redesign)
  3. They would like a channel for bringing in ideas outside of a technical context (e.g. browsing features, LOD integration, etc.)

Some of these ideas could be of general value to the project, without the need to make them member-exclusive benefits. In some instances, it might make sense to have conversations with members in order to launch new community services (like non-technical, feature-specific subject matter expert groups). This does seem to support some member-oriented communication channels as discussed in the previous meeting.

Demian will incorporate some of these ideas into a new draft of the membership page, which can be discussed further at the next meeting.

3. Training/Documentation Updates

André and Demian have been working with Hugo Agud on the VuFind book GitHub repository.

Mohan is planning to begin another round of training in early 2022.

4. Sustainability Document Discussion

Leila and Oliver provided feedback on Mohan's draft document. It was suggested that we should move this to Google Docs for easier collaboration.

There was discussion on the scope and purpose of the document; do we need to split this into two things: a strategic document (in broad/general terms) about how the PMC guides the sustainability of the project, and a more time-focused document (an annual roadmap/plan) that discusses particular activities for a fixed period of time?

We agreed to continue collecting feedback so that we can discuss this further on the next call. If there is a need to move to Google Docs, Mohan is willing to do so once all feedback has been collected.

5. Assigning OLF Roles

In order to finalize VuFind's membership in the Open Library Foundation, we need to assign representatives to the remaining open roles of Secretary and Treasurer.

As a reminder, the responsibilities of the roles are:

Hajo has volunteered to serve as Treasurer.

Mohan has volunteered to serve as Secretary.

6. Summit Planning

With summer nearly upon us, we should decide upon the format and host(s) of the 2021 VuFind Summit so that we can put out a call for presentations, etc.

André proposed another virtual Summit this year since travel remains challenging; no one objected. He will be meeting with Leander tomorrow. Will bring results to next call for further discussion.

7. Release Planning

Fixes have been accumulating on the release-7.1 branch, so we should schedule release 7.1.1. Demian proposes Monday, July 5, so its release can be announced at the next Community Call.

Historically, we have also been releasing major versions in mid-to-late July. Do we want to try to release 8.0 next month, or is too much work still outstanding? Known issues:

Demian will share the open JIRA ticket list to support voting/discussion.

Possible dates for consideration: July 26, August 2.

Action Items