Table of Contents

VuFind Community Call Minutes: December 1, 2020

Attending: Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, Mario Trojan


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The November, 2020 Newsletter was discussed.

CSV Importer

No progress this month.

Future of Travis

The Travis continuous integration service has changed its model and no longer offers free unlimited support for open source projects. Some free access is still available by request, and Demian has made a request, but so far there has been no response. We should identify an alternative. GitLab seems promising. Demian is looking for a volunteer to help test a GitLab setup; if no one is available, he will investigate further when time permits, but our Travis access may expire before that happens.

Javascript Dependencies

Mario has begun work on this in pull request #1799, and Demian has offered some feedback. This is still work in progress, but feel free to join the conversation on the PR!


Demian spent a bit of time fixing Psalm issues identified by the work in pull request #1764 – several hundred were eliminating by adding missing “use” statements for classes that were referenced in comments without being properly included. (There are probably still more of these that need to be fixed).

Record Versions

Work on this feature is very nearly complete and will be merged soon.

Release 7.0.2

Demian proposed releasing 7.0.2 on Monday, December 7.

2. Formalizing VuFind's Community

The community planning group has begun discussing a first draft of a governance document. They will meet again on December 7th to have a real-time conversation about it, and a revision will be shared with the broader community once those initial conversations have been completed. If you would like to join the community planning group, please reach out to Demian.

3. Other Topics?

Due to the time limitations of the holiday season, Demian has not been able to prepare video content for this month; the tutorial videos will resume in 2021 once time permits (probably in February).

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).