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VuFind® Community Call Minutes: December 6, 2022

Attending: Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, Peter Murray, Bob Scheier, Mario Trojan, Susan Turkel


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The November, 2022 Newsletter was discussed.

Pull Request Review (9.0 milestone)

JIRA Ticket Review (9.0 release, without an existing pull request above)

Not Started - No Blockers
Not Started - With Prerequisites

2. Technology Demo: Theme Configuration Helper

Chris highlighted the ThemeConfig view helper, which was recently added to VuFind®. This helper can be used to fetch configurations from the theme.config.php file in the theme directories. This allows us to put configuration settings specifically related to themes inside the themes themselves, instead of forcing people to write custom CSS. This also makes it possible to configure the same setting different ways in different themes, when running parallel themes.

Chris demonstrated some possible applications of this feature – for example, adjusting the order of elements in the theme's header, controlling which parts of the record view are collapsed/expanded by default, etc. A design that's more heavily configuration-driven also makes upgrades easier, and allows customization to be done in a more targeted way (instead of requiring customization of monolithic template files).

The proposal was well-received.

3. Community Call Survey Outcomes

The Community Call survey received 17 complete responses. No one expressed a desire to change the current time or schedule.

The majority of participants (16) said that development updates are useful. A significant number (11) also highlighted the value of being able to ask questions of the community, and 9 highlighted tutorial videos. Only 3 noted community planning exercises as a positive feature.

Other suggestions included:

4. Other Topics?

Chris is interested in offering more user-initiated theme options (e.g. light/dark theme, including detection of device light/dark mode). How should we manage all this complexity without creating very messy code? CSS variables can help with this… but what if we also have LESS/SCSS variables? How do we reconcile all this? e.g. if we need light versions of all variables and dark versions of all variables, that's already doubled the number of variables… and then how do we make sure these are all accounted for properly? If you have any ideas/best practices, please share them with him.

One possible proposal: use CSS variables for “decision”-based variables (e.g. light vs. dark) and use LESS/SCSS variables only for “constant” variables (e.g. specific color definitions, margins, etc.).

Possible next step: Chris can create a PR to better formalize the problem for deeper discussion.

It was proposed that we should postpone the next Community Call due to the regularly scheduled date falling very close to a holiday. There were no objections, so we will next meet on January 10 instead of January 3.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).

:!: Note that this was rescheduled based on discussion above.