Table of Contents

VuFind® Community Call Minutes: July 2, 2024

Attending: Padmasree Gade, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Susan Turkel, Thomas Wagener


1. Release 10.0

The latest major release went out on schedule. Please try it and report any issues you encounter! Demian recorded a what's new / what's changed video for those interested in a deep dive into the changelog.

2. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The June, 2024 Newsletter was discussed.

Pull Request / Ticket Review (release 10.0.1)

Pull Request Review (release 10.1)

The following pull requests are scheduled for inclusion in release 10.1:

New Features and Integrations
Accessibility / UI Improvements

Scheduled JIRA Tickets (release 10.1)

New Features
Smaller Fixes/Improvements
Test Suite Improvements
Documentation Tasks
Finishing Touches (Tasks for Near Release Time)

3. Future of Slack

No news.

4. Open Q&A / Other Topics?

None this month.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).