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VuFind® Community Call Minutes: August 6, 2024

Attending: Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Maccabee Levine, Ere Maijala, Peter Murray, Mario Trojan, Susan Turkel


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The July, 2024 Newsletter was discussed.

Pull Request / Ticket Review (release 10.0.1)

Pull Request Review (release 10.1)

The following pull requests are scheduled for inclusion in release 10.1:

New Features and Integrations
Minor Architectural/Backend/Documentation/Utility Improvements
Accessibility / UI Improvements

Scheduled JIRA Tickets (release 10.1)

New Features
Smaller Fixes/Improvements
Test Suite Improvements
Documentation Tasks
Finishing Touches (Tasks for Near Release Time)

2. Project Tools

Future of Slack

No updates on Slack.

JIRA "Unresolved Tickets" Issue

A problem was introduced when we migrated our JIRA data to the Open Library Foundation. Since that time, even though tickets were showing as closed or resolved, the system thought they were still open in some contexts. Peter and Demian worked with Atlassian to resolve the problem and clean up the impacted data.

3. Conference Reminders

WOLFcon and the German VuFind® Summit both begin next month, and both will offer in-person and virtual participation options. Please consider joining us there, and see the events page for more details.

4. Open Q&A / Other Topics?


Maccabee mentioned that ReShare is looking at accessibility. He asked for the status of a VuFind® VPAT; this is something the Project Management Committee has on the “possible future actions” list but hasn't yet figured out a strategy for this. There have been several external reviews by different organizations, but not a formal VPAT.

It would probably be useful to create an accessibility page to collect information (external reports, etc.; guidelines for customizers/contributors; rules for making decisions when audits make conflicting suggestions; link to accessibility PRs).

Demian will establish a page and put VPAT back on the PMC agenda.

There was discussion of the Equinox theme; it hasn't been updated in a while but the team says they hope to get back to it.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).