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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: June 28, 2011

Attending: Filipe Bento, Peter Brandt, Gislaine Hamelin, Demian Katz, Till Kinstler, Rita Liu, Tuan Nguyen, Luke O'Sullivan, Michelle Suranofsky


1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

2. Solr 3.x Update

Solr 3.2 has just been released, so VuFind's Solr 3.1 branch is now out of date; Demian will take care of further upgrading things after 1.2 has been released and we merge the updated Solr code into the trunk.

Bob Haschart has returned from vacation, so hopefully we will have some plans for the next official SolrMarc release by the next dev call; fortunately, this is not an urgent priority since we still have to finish up the 1.2 release before we need to worry about this.

3. Architecture Improvements

Demian has continued making progress on the VuFind 2.0 branch. Search results are now much more functional, including custom search type, sorting and faceting functionality. The record view is now also under construction.

Right now, the focus is still on getting basic functionality in place; there's still a lot of work to do – lightboxes, ILS integration, etc., etc.

One item worth discussing: extensibility. How much is the right amount? How much performance are we willing to sacrifice?

A rough plan for future development:

Areas where other people can help (volunteers welcome!):

4. New Mobile Theme

Tuan has finished working on York's mobile theme and will contribute a generic version to the trunk in the near future.

5. Cart Functionality

Luke is making good progress on the bulk action code originally begun by Tuan. It currently still works only in the blueprint theme, and Demian still plans to do a more thorough code review to see if he can spot any minor problems, but all major issues seem to be resolved at this point. Anyone interested in testing the patch should get in touch with Luke and/or Demian. The current expectation is that we will commit this to the trunk shortly after the release of VuFind 1.2; even if the non-blueprint theming is not yet complete, having the base logic committed will make those cosmetic finishing touches less complicated to achieve.

6. Status of SirsiDynix Driver

Michelle agrees that the front-end piece of the driver should go in the VuFind trunk, although the back-end needs to remain a separate project for legal reasons. Several versions of the front-end piece are floating around, but she proposes putting Tuan's version into trunk. Tuan will commit soon and Michelle will test.

7. Next meeting: 11am vs. 10am?

There was a request on the mailing list to move the meeting time to 11am. There were no objections, so we will try 11am for the next call. We can move back to 10am in the future if we need to.

8. Other Topics?

Peter Brandt asked some questions about authentication and holds; he is using Symphony, so the upcoming VuFind 1.2 holds functionality is not yet available… but Tuan is working on it.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 11am Eastern Daylight Time (GMT - 4:00).