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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: September 6, 2011

Attending: Filipe Bento, Demian Katz, Daniel Lovins, Luke O'Sullivan, Ernie Simuro, Michelle Suranofsky, John Wynstra


1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

2. Solr 3.x Update

Still waiting for a SolrMarc release – no news yet.

3. Architecture Improvements

Demian has done a bit more work – progress on MyResearch actions, bug fixes, integration of Tuan's new “left vs. right sidebar” configuration setting recently added to the 1.x trunk.

Villanova's new GA, Chris Hallberg, has begun assisting with VuFind 2.0 conversion. His first project is porting over recommendation modules (TopFacets is already done). His schedule does not currently overlap with these calls, but perhaps he will join us at some future date.

4. New Mobile Theme

Tuan still has to do more work to separate York-specific customizations from his code in order to update the trunk; he'll let us know when he gets a chance.

Luke will try to add expanded hold functionality to the theme when he gets a chance.

Filipe noticed that the author module is displaying blank pages; Demian will test to confirm whether this is a problem specific to Filipe's installation or a more general bug.

5. Cart Functionality

Luke is still working on the patch, but it is getting closer to completion. The trunk demo has been updated – feel free to test drive and comment.

There has been some discussion about the positioning of the “add to cart” button (making it more convenient and visible; i.e. do we want a floating toolbar, flash indicators, etc.) – feedback on this is welcome. For now we will start by repeating the toolbar above and below search results for better visibility.

6. Other Topics?

Luke asked whether there were any plans for allowing custom sorting of library locations in lists returned by the ILS driver (i.e. holdings, availability status, etc.). This isn't on Demian's list right now, but it should be possible to achieve it by wrapping the appropriate driver methods. He and Luke will do some brainstorming about it in the near future.

On the subject of sorting, Demian also mentioned a recent discussion he had with David Walker about sorting favorite lists when records come from multiple sources (right now VuFind's favorites only really work for the Solr-based records). It may be necessary to expand the MySQL database to make cross-source lists work better.

Filipe asked about the status of VUFIND-276 – still on Luke's to-do list, but no news yet.

Tuan proposed switching the demo site to the Blueprint theme – Demian will do this shortly.

Luke reports that switching from Voyager's OPAC to VuFind resulted in a student satisfaction increase – before the switch, the rate was 52%; after the switch, it went up to 78%.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 11am Eastern Daylight Time (GMT - 4:00).