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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: March 5, 2013

Attending: Filipe Bento, Demian Katz, David Maus, Luke O'Sullivan, Sean Purcell, Al Rykhus, Jackey (no last name)


1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

2. VuFind 2.0 Update

Demian has changed VuFind's vendor/ directory to match the layout generated by Composer and has included a composer.json file which allows regeneration of the directory from remote repositories. Hopefully this will simplify dependency management and make it easier for people to add additional dependencies locally.

The code has been upgraded to a new Zend Framework version once again – 2.1.3 was released shortly after 2.1.2 to address some compatibility bugs. It seems that some people are still having problems with PHP 5.3.3, however – investigation is ongoing.

Demian is continuing to collaborate with David on search refactoring – the \VuFind\Connection\Solr* classes are gradually being phased out.

Demian has completely eliminated static calls to \VuFind\Config\Reader in favor of injecting configurations. This should make code more flexible and testable, though in some cases it increases verbosity.

3. Linked Data

No news (except to point out that VUFIND-753 recommends using a linked data source to augment VuFind).

David is also interested in making use of the MARC relator terms exposed as URIs by Library of Congress.

4. Other Topics?

Demian has upgraded JIRA.

Villanova's digital library has been upgraded to run on VuFind 2 (it is also using a not-yet-released version 0.6 of VuDL, which uses Fedora instead of eXist as its back-end).

Sean asked if checkbox facets are supported in VuFind 1.4 – they should be (though with some limitations on syntax and initial checked status).

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).