Table of Contents

VuFind Developers Call Minutes: January 7, 2014

Attending: Chris Hallberg, Anna Headley, Demian Katz, David Maus, Tod Olson, Sean Purcell, Ben Wiens


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

Some recent pull requests are related to tickets resolved above; they are not listed below to avoid redundancy.

2. Development Planning

Admin Refactoring

The admin code has been refactored to its own module. Right now, this is hard-coded to be on in config/application.config.php, but we may eventually want to turn it off by default and require it to be activated through Apache configuration.

In addition to refactoring, the admin module has been expanded to include tag management functionality courtesy of Luke O'Sullivan. If you have a chance, please give this a try and report bugs prior to the 2.2 release!

Bootstrap Theme

Some lightbox adjustments have been made, but this is getting fairly stable – please test one more time so we can release a good base version in 2.2!

The lightbox.js file has been updated with extensive documentation.

Performance Testing

A functioning test environment is set up at Keystone Library Network. The Boston College Library Records have been imported (after changing 004 to 001 with MarcEdit). These modified records can be shared if anyone else wants them (ask Ben Wiens via vufind-tech). The test index now has 2,114,167 records. filterCache testing will begin soon to see if we can reduce the huge size of the cache in our default configuration (it may be causing some problems).

2.2 Release

The code is frozen (bug fixes only) for now so we don't introduce new bugs prior to the release. Language file updates are in progress. Demian is working on expanding test coverage. Unresolved tickets have been pushed forward to 2.3.

Call Number Normalization

There are a couple of JIRA tickets related to call number normalization: VUFIND-598 (normalize at index-time for improved sorting) and VUFIND-657 (add custom Solr analyzer for LC call numbers). The base indexing logic from VUFIND-598 will be available as of release 2.2; it is unclear whether it's a good idea to make VUFIND-657 part of the mainline code.

Tod is working on adding more flexible normalization logic to the AlphaBrowse code. There is currently a single hard-coded normalizer, but Tod is working on making this overrideable for unusual fields (like call numbers).

The next step in Tod's work is to build custom normalizers for Dewey Decimal and LC call numbers.

Question: where does the normalization logic go? Currently lives in SolrMarc, could also live in Solr plug-in, now we're also looking at adding it to AlphaBrowse.

Starting point: Tod will talk to the solrmarc-tech list about interest in spinning off a call number library and/or rearranging the call number code in SolrMarc. Depending on feedback, he may look into building browse normalizers using code imported from SolrMarc to avoid redundancy.

Next step: create a Git project for VUFIND-657 code after decisions about normalization library are made.

3. Other Topics?

David is still working on a couple of tickets and hopes to complete them for 2.3 or 2.4.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 10am Eastern Standard Time (15:00 GMT).