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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: February 4, 2014

Attending: Filipe Bento, Judy Brink-Drescher, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Benjamin Mosior, Tod Olson, Ben Wiens


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

Several PR's pending the 2.2 release have now been merged.

2. Development Planning

Performance Testing

There was some discussion about the filterCache issue and why the current VuFind settings are so high (no one knows – predates current development team).

Some initial tests have been done with lower numbers and no significant performance change has been seen – but the test queries may be too simple. More tests will be done with more complex queries and larger numbers of filters.

If no obvious performance changes are found, we agreed to bring the numbers down in line with recommendations – the current settings are extremely high.

2.2 Release

The release went out on time; no major problems. Demian had to make some last-minute adjustments to the .deb package to account for significant Apache and PHP changes in the latest Ubuntu release.

Call Number Normalization

Tod has been working on adding a call number package to SolrMarc for reuse in the AlphaBrowse handler (and possibly other places like call number sort). The work is based largely on Naomi Dushay's code so far.

The classes are being designed so that they can be extended for local variations of the standards. Once interfaces are finalized, some further refactoring may be possible to improve efficiencies.

Current challenge: figuring out how to reuse code that is part of SolrMarc; this is challenging because of the use of OneJar, the tool that makes SolrMarc a single-jar distribution. It is difficult for external code to access the jars stored within the OneJar file.

Possible ideas (if no OneJar workaround can be found):

- Distribute unpacked SolrMarc with VuFind; as long as scripts work the same, does anyone care?

- Use the import/lib directory somehow?

module.config.php Cleanup

Demian has begun the cleanup in theme.config.php by creating view helper factories and using those in place of closures. He will proceed to do similar work in module.config.php since there was no objection. There was some discussion about how disruptive this change would be – it shouldn't cause major problems since it is functionally equivalent to the old method; local modules will not break even if they continue to use closures.

3. Marketing

Ben has proposed a possible new logo for VuFind, designed to be more “clean” and “flat” than the older logo. See comparison with the original and logo in context. The group was favorably impressed; Demian will investigate trademark/political implications of the change.

4. Next call date

Demian has a schedule conflict on the next call date (February 18). We will wait to meet again until March 4.

5. Other Topics?

Benjamin reported progress on establishing a mirror of the wiki in case of future outages. He will share news soon.

Demian also reported a new VM for hosting, to replace the current aging hardware in the next few weeks.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 10am Eastern Standard Time (15:00 GMT).