Table of Contents

VuFind Developers Call Minutes: April 29, 2014

Attending: Filipe Bento, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Gregory Testa, Ben Wiens


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

ZF2 Upgrade

Demian has upgraded Zend Framework to 2.2.7; this is a small bug-fix release that should have no impact on existing VuFind code.

2. Development Planning

Performance Testing

Ben has been using revised (lower) filterCache settings for two weeks with no crashes. Demian has also been testing these settings at Villanova (so far successfully). High hit ratios on caches. Revised default settings will be pushed to master (from solr_filtercache branch) soon as long as no problems arise in continued testing.

Ben suggested that the optimization process may be a good topic for the next VuFind Summit.

Call Number Normalization

No news this week.


OCLC is looking for a volunteer developer to work on a VuFind module for the new WorldCat Discovery API; if anyone is interested, Demian can pass along contact information.

3. Marketing

Design draft 1 by Chris:

Generally positive feedback – should be shared with mailing list for more feedback.

4. Other Topics?

No other news this week.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).