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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: September 2, 2014

Attending: Filipe Bento, Chris Delis, Chris Hallberg, Anna Headley, Demian Katz


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

2. Development Planning

Call Number Normalization

No news this week.

Bootstrap Theme Deprecation

Demian posted a strategy to vufind-tech; no objections yet. Will implement once fully migrated off bootstrap at VU.

PHP 5.4 upgrade

Still waiting for upgrades at VU to be able to proceed on this.


Demian is giving some thought to role-based authorization functionality in VuFind. He will post some details to vufind-tech soon. Please share use cases.

3. 2014 VuFind Summit

No news this week, but registration should be opening very soon.

4. Other Topics?

There was some brief discussion of replication misbehavior experienced by Anna. Demian suggested that perhaps a Solr upgrade is in order soon, though there are some SolrMarc-related limitations there that need to be investigated. He will see if he can find time to investigate further.

Anna also mentioned the need for better error reporting in SolrMarc when indexing over HTTP.

Chris asked about indexing speed over HTTP vs. direct writing; Demian pointed out that HTTP is slower but this can be compensated for by running simultaneous index jobs (he usually indexes two at once when doing a full reindex).

Chris also asked about indexing of MFHD (holdings) records. Demian explained that his Voyager export has bibs + holdings, and he uses the SolrMarc record merging functionality to import the holdings into the bibs (as documented here).

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).