Table of Contents

VuFind Developers Call Minutes: February 3, 2015

Attending: Filipe Bento, Chris Delis, Chris Hallberg, Anna Headley, Demian Katz, Jochen Lienhard, Tod Olson, Sean Purcell


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

There were also several browse handler PR's merged in support of the work listed here.

2. Development Planning

Call Number Normalization

A new release of SolrMarc incorporating improved call number normalization has been released; this release has been installed in VuFind's master branch. As a result of this, the browse handler now works with call numbers more effectively, and we have been able to eliminate the dewey-sort-browse field from the Solr schema.

Still to do: look into further indexing/schema improvements to take advantage of the new normalization. Tod also plans to do a bit more cleanup of the SolrMarc code. Longer term: begin working toward Java 1.8 support.

AlphaBrowse Enhancements

The highlighting enhancements discussed on the previous call are now merged to master.

Tod is still thinking about some new normalizer options to include with the handler.

PHP 5.4 Requirement

Villanova's server upgrades will be completed this week, so the work on upgrading VuFind to the latest Zend Framework (and thus raising the package's minimum PHP version requirement) will be undertaken very soon (probably starting on Friday).

3. Other Topics?

Brief discussion of Zend Framework's partial() vs. render().

Anna, Chris H., Sean and Tod will be at Code4lib this year; Demian will not (but he is open to Skyping to a breakout session if possible/appropriate).

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 10am Eastern Standard Time (15:00 GMT).