Table of Contents

VuFind Developers Call Minutes: June 23, 2015

Attending: Filipe Bento, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, André Lahmann, Jochen Lienhard, Tod Olson, Brad Patton


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

Event-Driven Recommendations

The event-driven recommendations pull request (#367) has been merged; please let Demian know if you encounter any problems with recommendation modules.

2. Development Planning

Improved Author Indexing

Still waiting on SolrMarc progress before putting the finishing touches on this; it sounds like GitHub migration of the project will be happening soon.

Solr Upgrade?

Bob Haschart of SolrMarc has agreed that it is appropriate to deprecate SolrMarc's “direct index writing” functionality due to difficulty supporting it with newer Solr versions. Thus, we should be able to move forward with this branch. André will test the Solr 4 branch and report back; hopefully target will be to merge into master in one month (mid-July).

VuFind Solutions GitHub

André and Klaas reported that their team will be managing the Foundation5 theme against the current master (rather than the release branches) which should simplify management of this feature. For now we'll keep this is as a pull request but may eventually migrate it to a feature branch in the main VuFind repo.

3. Next Call Date?

Demian will be on vacation on the date of the next call. We decided to skip that date and have the next call on July 21st (due to other vacations and low activity during Summer).

4. Other Topics?

The 4th German VuFind Meeting has been announced for October 6-7, 2015. More information is available at this page. Demian hopes to have information on the next Villanova Summit soon.

Tod has been working on a NACO (North American / collaborative cataloging body in the U.S.) normalizer for the VuFind browse lists to address issues at UChicago with unusual characters that are not easily typed by end users and should not necessarily affect the filing order. Might also have some application for international users, though somewhat U.S.-centric. Tod will have a pull request for this fairly soon (likely in July).

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).