Table of Contents

VuFind Developers Call Minutes: August 2, 2016

Attending: Leila Gonzales, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Brad Patton


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

Release 3.0.3

This went out on time, as planned.

2. Development Planning

Front-end Issues

Asset Pipeline
General Status Update

As noted above, PR #764 addresses tag case sensitivity issues discussed in VUFIND-1187. We should be able to merge this soon, but feedback on whether to make tags case sensitive or insensitive by default would be appreciated in the meantime.


No news.


We should identify future areas of modularization.

Next ZF Version

No news.

Improved Use of Permissions

No news.

Improved Geographic Features

PR #722 is continuing to be developed. Most recent focus has been on Google compatibility and fixing API problems (related to a new key requirement).

New SolrMarc

Please test out pull request #761 and provide feedback on the new SolrMarc version.

Solr 6

Demian has begun investigating alternatives to bundling Solr in VuFind's git repository in an effort to reduce repository bloat. Initial experiments using Ivy have not been successful, and further investigation suggests it is really not the right tool for the job.

If Ivy cannot be used, another option is downloading Solr from Apache through the Phing build.xml instead of bundling it.

Once we've come up with a new approach (or decided to stick with the old one), Demian will set aside some time to begin a solr6 branch for testing/experimentation.

3. Institutional Home, Revisited

No news.

4. VuFind Summit 2016

Work continues on coordination of the video conference with Germany.

5. Other Topics?

Demian will be unable to attend the next call, so Chris will run it in his place.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).