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Support for Deduplication

Page Owneremaijala

The features described on this page are available starting with VuFind® 2.3.


The deduplication feature allows multiple records from multiple sources to be combined together and displayed as a single search result. It requires some extra setup and external tools to fully implement. Users who choose not to use deduplication may instead wish to configure the Record Versions feature, which offers a different method for associating related records. (It is also possible for the Deduplication and Record Versions features to be used to complement one another).

Solr Setup

VuFind® includes support for displaying deduplicated records. This requires that records are deduplicated before indexing into Solr, and that a so called merged record is created for each dedup group (group of original duplicate records) alongside the original records.


RecordManager can be used for deduplication as it has built-in support for VuFind®-compatible deduplication, but VuFind® doesn't require RecordManager to be used, just some index fields and the merged record to be present.

Using RecordManager does offer some specific advantages:

  1. RecordManager can find the best record among the deduplicated records to use as the base record when creating a merged record.
  2. There's control over how single-valued and multi-valued fields are merged into the merged record, as well as the possibility of handling first_indexed and last_indexed data.
  3. The records belonging to a dedup group can also be enriched with data from the merged record, so enrichment can be achieved in both directions.
  4. The mechanism can ensure e.g. that two records from the same data source never get deduplicated. This is a built-in assumption in RecordManager's default deduplication algorithm that records in a single source should already be distinct ones.

Required Solr Fields in Merged Records

Required Solr Fields in Original Records with Duplicates

Sample Records

Here are a couple of shortened sample Solr records:

Two original records that were found to be duplicates:

Record 1

field contents
id alli.503626
title Network science
language eng
publishDate 2005
topic Computer networks
Electronics in military engineering
building CityLib
merged_child_boolean 1

Record 2

field contents
id testsrc.21346
title Network science
language eng
publishDate 2005
topic Computer networks
Military engineering
building TestLib
merged_child_boolean 1

Merged Record

field contents
id merge123
title Network science
language eng
publishDate 2005
topic Computer networks
Electronics in military engineering
Military engineering
merged_boolean 1
local_ids_str_mv alli.503626

Record With No Duplicates

field contents
id testsrc.123
title Network science illustrated
language eng
publishDate 2012
topic Computer networks
Electronics in military engineering
Military engineering

Search Process

Records with merged_child_boolean=true are filtered from the results during the initial Solr search. Then the preferred original record is selected from each merge record found, and the merge record replaced with the original record. Information on all the records belonging to the dedup group is added to the original records in “dedup_data” field so that this information can be displayed to the user e.g. with links to other records. The preferred record is always first in “dedup_data”.

Architecture Note: Field Collapsing / Collapse/Expand

Note that while Solr supports features such as “field collapsing” and “collapse/expand” which could be used to achieve similar deduplication behavior, the deduplication mechanism here does not utilize these features. This avoids the performance cost associated with such functionality, and also allows broader search results. Collapse/expand only works for a search result set. VuFind®'s deduplication doesn't require all the records in the group to match the search terms. It's enough that the merge record does. This may or may not be important depending on how things are done, but at least it allows one to present the “best” result record in search results without having to re-merge anything.


The following settings in the Records section of searches.ini affect deduplication:

There is also an optional datasources.ini that can be used to map institutions to source prefixes so that the correct record can be selected when the building facet is used. This mapping is needed unless the building facet values are identical to the source id's. Each section in datasources.ini, which is compatible with RecordManager's datasources.ini, resembles a source id. The institution setting in each section is matched to the selected building facet, and the section name is used to find the record priority from record_sources.

Source strings can be translated with source_ prefix. An example translation in en.ini could be:

source_alli = “Alli Library”

Sample datasources.ini

institution = CityLib

institution = TestLib