VuFind® 8.1 Press Release
VuFind® 8.1 Released
Villanova, Pennsylvania - July 18, 2022 - Version 8.1 of the VuFind® Open Source discovery software has just been released. This adds several new features and integrations along with fixes to minor bugs and improvements to translations, compatibility and accessibility.
Some key additions and changes:
- It is now possible to configure more complex and sophisticated custom Solr queries for use as checkbox filters in the interface.
- A new Solr fallback record loader makes it easier to maintain backward compatibility if the identifiers in your collection change (due, for example, to a system migration).
- Translation of facet values has been made more flexible, allowing new options for indexing and displaying classification systems.
- Integrations have been developed for more third-party systems (Lucidia's GeniePlus ILS and the Bokinfo cover image service).
- New interface translations have been added in Armenian and Ukrainian.
Questions about the new release or VuFind® in general can be directed to Demian Katz, the lead developer of the project at Villanova University. The software and its documentation may be found at
Demian Katz
Villanova University
Falvey Memorial Library
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085