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VuFind Community Call Minutes: June 2, 2020

Attending: Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, André Lahmann, Eliana Lima, Mario Trojan


1. Development Planning

Migration to Symfony Console

This work has been successfully merged.

Newsletter Highlights

The May, 2020 Newsletter was discussed.

Accessibility Improvements

All proposed changes are now in a 5.x branch. Chris and Demian will spot-check and test, then merge.

Browse Handler Optimizations

No news.

7.0 Release Date

With summer coming up, it is time to decide on our next release date. With some significant changes to the master branch (and corresponding documentation), it would be good to get the new Laminas/Symfony-powered VuFind out in the wild. Demian suggested a mid-July release for VuFind 7.0; July 20 was proposed.

Release 7.0 will include accessibility improvements to all existing themes, but the new prototype theme will be delayed until 7.1. Feature development would be frozen mid-to-late June to ensure a stable release. Some non-critical proposed work (such as browse handler improvements, which are pending work from UChicago, and the Solr upgrade, which has been held up by SolrMarc development) may be delayed to release 7.1 or 8.0.

Turn Demo into Multi-site?

It was suggested that the current VuFind demo should be expanded into two sites: one for “out of the box” VuFind, and one showing off lots of enabled optional features. Demian plans to work on this when time permits, but preparing the 7.0 release will get precedence for the moment. It was suggested to use sandal as default theme.

Solr Default Port

Demian plans to change the default Solr port in VuFind from 8080 to 8983 for better conformity to Solr standard practices and to reduce conflicts with other applications. The port number can still be easily changed as needed through minor configuration edits and the SOLR_PORT environment variable.

2. Virtual VuFind Summit 2020

The group discussed the recently announced online version of the annual VuFind Summit, planned for autumn, 2020.

3. Video Session: Sitemaps and Web Crawling

Demian demonstrated generating and crawling XML sitemaps; a video will be posted soon.

4. Other Topics?

Mario suggested some improvements to the SEO documentation; he will share notes with Demian and Chris and assist with edits as time permits. The relevant wiki pages will be linked from this month's video description when it is ready.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).

community_call/minutes20200602.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/02 16:18 by demiankatz