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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: August 6, 2013

Attending: Joe Atzberger, Filipe Bento, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, David Maus, Tod Olson


1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

  • VUFIND-425 - Dan Scott has volunteered to assist with microdata in VuFind.
  • VUFIND-834 - Some more comments regarding SolrCloud configuration have been added here (short version: it's complicated, and replication is easier).
  • VUFIND-856 - This ticket introduces a patch to help the AlphaBrowse indexing script coexist with a replicated index. Demian will review and commit when time permits; porting for Windows compatibility may be challenging.
  • VUFIND-857 - This ticket provides a fix for console problems in VuFind 2.0/2.0.1.
  • VUFIND-858 - This ticket resolves a minor QueryBuilder bug involving boosts.
  • VUFIND-859 - This ticket offers some cleanup for the Aleph driver (committed).
  • VUFIND-860 - This ticket adds a very simple recommendation module for displaying hard-coded links. Not sure if it offers enough functionality to justify inclusion in mainline – please vote if you would like to see it pushed to master.
  • VUFIND-861 - This was a duplicate ticket; closed.
  • VUFIND-862 - This ticket fixes a bug that made some “related record” links unreliable.
  • VUFIND-863 - This ticket takes advantage of the new “extra info from Solr in AlphaBrowse results” feature of the browse handler.
  • VUFIND-864 - This ticket fixes a configuration bug in 2.0/2.0.1 that broke the terms handler (used by the sitemap generator).

2. Development Updates/Planning

AlphaBrowse Handler

As mentioned in JIRA above, an updated AlphaBrowse Handler is now included in master for release as part of 2.1. Tod now has what he needs, but he may look into introducing Mark's vacuum functionality for improved performance. Still to do: filtering by field for consortia. Tod will email AlphaBrowse developers for next steps.

Bootstrap Theme

Chris is continuing to make progress on the Bootstrap theme. Bootstrap 3 is now in RC1 release, but we are sticking with 2.x for now. It may be worth considering an eventual Bootstrap 3 + bleeding edge jQuery theme, but going that route would eliminate IE7 compatibility. We need to maintain a balance between flexibility and theme maintenance issues, but perhaps we can do two parallel themes for a short while and then deprecate one when browser tech moves on.

Chris has pushed the latest code here.

GitHub Migration

David has set up the new GitHub repo. We should decide the fate of the legacy SourceForge one. Demian will update SourceForge with a new message about move to GitHub, then plan to shut down SourceForge Git as of 2.1 release.

Joe will update the Git wiki page with some new tips.

Release 2.1 Update

Nearly all of the pieces are now in place for the next release; Demian is just hoping for a new SolrMarc release as a finishing touch.

vufind.org Upgrade

The vufind.org server is running an old version of MySQL; Demian hopes to schedule an upgrade within the next few weeks – watch the tech list for details.

Zend Framework Upgrade

A new ZF2 release has come out, but Demian hasn't upgraded yet – he is waiting until after the VuFind 2.1 release due to reports of some backward compatibility problems.

3. VuFind Summit 2013

Call for papers will go out shortly.

4. Other Topics?

Future Calls Infrastructure

Filipe will set up BigBlueButton, hopefully in time for the next call.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20130806.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/13 13:14 (external edit)