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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: September 16, 2014



1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

  • VUFIND-1025 - This ticket resolves a problem with IDs in jsTree hierarchies.
  • VUFIND-1026 - This ticket tracks the lightbox bugs resolved by PR #197.
  • VUFIND-1027 - This ticket addresses some inconsistencies in the way location names coming from the ILS driver were passed to the translator; everything has been normalized to use a location_ prefix.
  • VUFIND-1028 - This new feature (now in master) adds a file modification time GET parameter to JS/CSS resources to prevent cache-related problems when files are changed.
  • VUFIND-1029 - This ticket tracks work in progress on supporting the new version 2 API from LibGuides.

Pull Requests

  • #201 - In progress - this shows off some refactoring Chris is hoping to do of Javascript to make the code more object-oriented. Please test and comment if you have a chance.
  • #202 - Merged - an extra validation check in the cover loader.
  • #203 - Merged - some translation updates
  • #204 - Merged - better language file fallback defaults to ensure that the en.ini file is always used as a source of last resort for language strings to prevent coded tags like seconds_abbrev from ever showing up to end users.

2. Development Planning

Call Number Normalization

Should we eliminate AbstractPluginFactory implementations?

VuFind's configuration currently includes an array of AbstractPluginFactory classes which the various plugin managers use to construct objects if no explicit configuration is found in module.config.php. These made sense early in VF2 development when most plugins were designed as invokables. However, now that better dependency-injection is in place, it is rare that a class could be successfully constructed by one of these AbstractPluginFactory classes, since the constructor parameters would be missing. Should we eliminate these from VuFind to simplify configuration, further enforce explicit configuration and prevent confusion? Does anyone have a use case for them?

Note one significant exception to the rule: right now, most Search\Options, Search\Params and Search\Results objects are constructed through AbstractPluginFactory classes rather than through explicit configuration. Assuming we decide to eliminate the majority of abstract factories, should we reconfigure this, or continue to use the abstract factories in this special case?

3. 2014 VuFind Summit

4. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20140916.1410463466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/11 19:24 by demiankatz