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ILS Driver Support

Driver code to talk to various library systems is an important part of VuFind®, but it can be impossible to test or modify without access to a real system. This section lists VuFind® users with some familiarity with the driver code who have access to particular systems and are willing to help test and discuss driver changes.

Unless noted otherwise, these people can be reached through the vufind-tech mailing list (see the support page for details on joining).

  • FOLIO: Demian Katz, Villanova University
  • Aleph: Vaclav Rosecky, Moravian Library

Please add your name to this list if you are willing to help out! There's no harm in having multiple volunteers for a single system, and your help is valued even if you aren't an expert.

If the system you are interested in is not listed here, try looking at the Git commit history for the driver in question; this will often identify others who are actively working on the code.

These external sites may also be helpful for users of certain systems.

community/ils_support_list.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/30 11:29 by demiankatz