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  1. Adding the option to make html elements sticky (#3226) (details)
Commit 34ee541eedc541c20004dc737a529bf09385c854 by noreply
Adding the option to make html elements sticky (#3226)

The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/css/compiled.css (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootprint3/css/compiled.css (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/less/components/search.less (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/templates/layout/layout.phtml (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/scss/components/search.scss (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/templates/layout/js-configs.phtml (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/theme.config.php (diff)
The file was addedthemes/bootstrap3/js/sticky_elements.js
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/theme.config.php (diff)
The file was modified themes/local_theme_example/css/compiled.css (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/less/bootstrap.less (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/scss/bootstrap.scss (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/scss/bootstrap.scss (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/templates/layout/js-configs.phtml (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/templates/layout/layout.phtml (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/scss/components/search.scss (diff)
The file was modified themes/sandal5/css/compiled.css (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/css/compiled.css (diff)
The file was modified themes/sandal/css/compiled.css (diff)
The file was addedthemes/bootstrap5/js/sticky_elements.js