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  1. Update to PSR-12 coding standard. (#11) (details)
Commit 629128d282c9a0e407855d9f6b668c9eef8ef027 by noreply
Update to PSR-12 coding standard. (#11)

The file was addedtests/vufind.php-cs-fixer.php
The file was modified src/VuFindCode/EAN.php (diff)
The file was modified src/VuFindCode/ISBN.php (diff)
The file was removedtests/vufind.php_cs
The file was modified tests/phpcs.xml (diff)
The file was modified build.xml (diff)
The file was modified tests/ISBNTest.php (diff)
The file was modified tests/ISMNTest.php (diff)
The file was modified src/VuFindCode/ISMN.php (diff)