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  1. php-cs-fixer: update rules to match main project. (#9) (details)
Commit 227c1d377c52602ef1e7540838b68f430d79ad85 by noreply
php-cs-fixer: update rules to match main project. (#9)

The file was modified tests/MarcCollectionFileTest.php (diff)
The file was modified tests/vufind.php-cs-fixer.php (diff)
The file was modified src/Serialization/MarcXml.php (diff)
The file was modified tests/MarcLintTest.php (diff)
The file was modified tests/MarcReaderTest.php (diff)
The file was modified src/MarcLint.php (diff)
The file was modified src/MarcReader.php (diff)
The file was modified src/Serialization/Iso2709.php (diff)