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  1. Use UserEntityInterface on new password form. (#3812) (details)
  2. Index email and verify_hash fields in user table. (#3814) (details)
Commit 8c851f52c1cd2993bfcf09939315f2836eb9428b by noreply
Use UserEntityInterface on new password form. (#3812)

The file was modified themes/bootstrap5/templates/Auth/AbstractBase/login.phtml (diff)
The file was modified module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/MyResearchController.php (diff)
The file was modified module/VuFind/tests/integration-tests/src/VuFindTest/Mink/AccountActionsTest.php (diff)
The file was modified themes/bootstrap3/templates/Auth/AbstractBase/login.phtml (diff)
Commit 862747b38ce7ee4e3993ef0c8b061f3b6e3a06bf by noreply
Index email and verify_hash fields in user table. (#3814)

The file was addedmodule/VuFind/sql/migrations/pgsql/10.0/003-add-user-indexes.sql
The file was modified module/VuFind/sql/mysql.sql (diff)
The file was modified module/VuFind/sql/pgsql.sql (diff)