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VuFind® Newsletter: August, 2024

Development Highlights and Project News

Development Progress

With OCLC announcing the shutdown of their original WorldCat search API at the end of this year, completing integration with the new WorldCat v2 API became a critical priority and a major focus of development this month. The work is not yet complete, but significant progress has been made, and it is on track to be completed and released in VuFind® 10.1 before OCLC's deadline. You can monitor progress and try the new code at pull request #2612.

In addition to focusing on this new priority, nearly twenty bug fixes were made in preparation for release 10.0.1 (none especially critical, but all contributing to the stability of that upcoming release) and quite a few enhancements were completed for inclusion in 10.1. These include: a new permission provider that can use cookies to control access; improvements to the Explain feature; enhancements to the FOLIO and KohaRest ILS drivers; more flexible CSS configuration in themes; and minor SEO and accessibility adjustments.

Project Management Committee Report

In addition to continuing ongoing documentation maintenance work and planning for upcoming conferences and training, the Project Management Committee spent time this month on discussing and documenting the project's commitment to accessibility. See the new Accessibility page for more details, and watch that spot for further updates and tips in future.

Conference News

Registration is still open for both WOLFcon 2024 (in London, September 24-26, with pre-conference workshops on September 23) and the 2024 VuFind® Summit (in Leipzig and online, September 30-October 1).

We hope to see you at either or both of these events!

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.0.1:

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.1:

Additionally, some older tickets have been closed either because they were very old support requests with no recent activity (VUFIND-1346) or because the reported issues have been subsequently fixed (VUFIND-1460).

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month: