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Warning: This page has not been updated in over over a year and may be outdated or deprecated.


General Accessibility Statement

The VuFind® project is developed and reviewed with accessibility best practices in mind. Because the software is highly configurable and customizable, it is impossible to make a blanket statement about the accessibility of every instance, but the core software and default settings are designed to provide an accessible platform. Because technology and standards evolve, and because there is always room for improvement, accessibility requires ongoing effort; the project devotes time to addressing these needs on an ongoing basis, and feedback from external accessibility reviews and community comments is taken seriously and incorporated when possible. At a minimum, the project aims for compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA.

Accessibility Reviews

  • The VUFIND-1668 ticket contains information from an accessibility review conducted by Moravian Library in 2023. Most issues raised by the report were addressed as of release 10.0, though a few sub-tickets remain in progress.
  • The VUFIND-1704 ticket contains the report from the University of Colorado Boulder Digital Accessibility Office in May 2023.

Work in Progress

The project's GitHub repository uses an accessibility label on pull requests which can be used to find in-progress and completed (since mid-2023) accessibility improvement work.

Notable Resources

accessibility.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 10:36 by andre_l