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PMC Meeting: March 13, 2023

Attending: Galen Charlton, Anne Christensen, Leila Gonzales, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, David Maus, Ere Maijala, Craig Murdoch, Mohan Pradhan

Apologies: Oliver Goldschmidt, Chris Hallberg

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

2. Recruiting a New Member

With Leander's departure at the end of this month, we should recruit a new member.

Demian will remove Leander from the PMC list in the wiki following the meeting and send out recruitment emails to candidate(s) discussed during the meeting.

3. Documentation

VuFind® 9.0 release video

This has not been started yet. Demian will work on a slide deck prior to the release. We can present and record this as part of the April Community Call now that a release date is set.

Wiki editing

Susan Turkel at Villanova has reviewed the entire wiki sitemap and highlighted some pages that need attention. Demian will review the list and is happy to share parts of it if others are willing/able to assist. André and Craig offered to help with this.

Demian and Mohan continue to collaborate on Koha documentation, and several sections of Mohan's documentation have been moved into the wiki, while the process has also led to significant improvements/updates to other existing wiki pages.

Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol “open data sources” pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating other software packages like SubjectsPlus and Moodle, which also support OAI-PMH.

Documentation Survey

Demian added documentation to the March Community Call agenda as discussed last month. This conversation led to a decision to standardize on PSR-12, and Demian has been working on a series of pull requests to implement this modernization. A possible next step after this could be to work toward stricter phpstan validation.

The project now has a shared Google drive through OLF; Demian put the documentation survey results here for future reference (rather than going through the time-consuming process of transferring into the wiki).

Training Discussion

Several RSP representatives (Mohan, Anne, Hugo and Galen) met last month to talk about documentation and training. Mohan is going to distribute a list of existing documentation that is ready for proofreading. Galen expressed some interest in building a reference manual to complement the “Learning” book. Some possibilities for future training sessions were discussed. A follow-up call is scheduled for next week, March 22 at 8am EDT.

There was some discussion about the reference manual idea – Galen's inspiration comes from the Evergreen project, where documentation is maintained as part of the same source repo as the code, using ASCII doc format. This could better support having version-specific documentation in appropriate and accessible places, and could relieve some of the burden from the wiki (e.g. the wiki can just link to the documentation where appropriate).

4. Conflict of Interest Policy

These have been received from everyone and submitted to OLF – thanks!

5. Translation Platform

The decision was made not to use Lokalize for the 9.0 translation cycle, as there are still some issues to work through. Demian is currently working through the normal manual translation process for 9.0.

André proposed setting a separate meeting to discuss Lokalize and figure out next steps. André will coordinate with Demian on Slack.

6. Registered Service Provider Update

Demian is still waiting for further input on three pending memberships. A payment has just been received, so hopefully an announcement will be coming shortly.

7. WOLFcon 2023

The OLF seems receptive to the idea of discussing grants/external funding at WOLFcon 2023. Once the program committee forms, we can discuss this with them in more detail.

8. Goals for 2023

Goal Review:

9. Fundraising Communication Plan

Next planned “membership drive” – in tandem with next Summit, which in turn will likely be timed around the next WOLFcon.

André has reached out for a quote about a security audit; currently awaiting results.

See December 12, 2022 minutes for brainstorming notes about use of funds.

10. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

None this month.

Action Items