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PMC Meeting: May 9, 2023

Attending: Anne Christensen, Oliver Goldschmidt, Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Ere Maijala, Josef Moravec, C.J. O'Hara, Mohan Raj Pradhan

Apologies: David Maus, Craig Murdoch

1. Welcome, Josef!

2. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

3. Registered Service Provider Update

Two RSP's are still in-process. Demian sent follow-up but has not received a response.

4. Documentation

Wiki editing

Koha wiki page development/testing is still ongoing.

Demian also continued updating older pages (though at a very slow pace).

Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol “open data sources” pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which recently had example XSLT import configs added to the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched).

Training Discussion

The April training discussion was canceled due to schedule problems; the conversation will continue later this month.

5. Translation Platform

André demonstrated Lokalise at last week's Community Call and next steps were discussed there. Progress continues to be made.

6. WOLFcon 2023

Demian has not received any details since last time, but proposes opening a call for papers, with a section of the form indicating whether presenters have a preference for in-person at WOLFcon or virtual presentations, so we can be flexible about scheduling.

Demian has drafted a submission form, Summit wiki page and call for papers (all heavily influenced by past years) for review/feedback.

Leila asked about AV; Demian's understanding is that this is built into the conference space.

André is willing to help with organization.

Leila is willing to help with video post-production.

Demian will send out the call for papers on 5/22. Please share feedback before that.

7. Goals for 2023

Goal Review:

8. Security Audit

André received a report that project scheduling is beginning, so we should have more news in the next few days.

9. Fundraising Communication Plan

Mohan shared a useful fundraising example from the DSpace community. He and Demian drafted a fundraising pitch document which was shared with PMC members for feedback.

See December 12, 2022 minutes for other brainstorming notes about use of funds.

Next steps: Demian will draft a shorter communication and put the longer document in a place where it can be linked to.

10. Accessibility Work

Demian has been finding it challenging to keep up with the volume of accessibility-related pull requests. These often lead to long discussions, ensuring technical correctness requires specialized knowledge, and consensus is often hard to find. The project would benefit from a formal accessibility lead to help with decision making and review of this type of work. Are any resources available to support this?

Ere pointed out the value of consistency, and agrees it would be valuable to have someone to help oversee it.

André shared that FINC's backlog is being worked on, which is contributing to the current volume of accessibility PRs. He acknowledged the challenges of accessibility and the inevitability of “discussion overhead” on all these changes. He will discuss this with his team at their next meeting.

Josef has a report from users with screen readers (about a year old) pending analysis. This may be useful. There is a non-profit in Brno which may be able to help with occasional follow-up analysis/testing.

Leila suggested Andi as a helpful standard for help with accessibility reviews. Ere also highlighted axe DevTools. Chris shared this useful accessible forms page.

Ere pointed out that these tools help, but many problems involve semantics beyond what the tools can catch.

Ere said (and Demian agreed) that this is important work, and the high volume of pull requests is not a bad thing – we just need to find a way to manage them as efficiently as possible. Ere has a colleague (GitHub username @pasitiis) with accessibility expertise who is interested in helping with upstream code – PR reviews, etc. Demian will ask for his input when appropriate, and we can consider a committer nomination in future to make it easier to request reviews if the collaboration works out well.

Demian suggested that more, smaller PRs might be easier to manage than larger ones – tiny easy-to-merge PRs are welcome, so that the hard parts can be discussed in isolation.

11. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

None this month.

Action Items